Monday, September 1, 2014

A Sunday Evening

    We were out a week or two ago and it was just too pretty not to snap a few pictures. Dalton had the yard looking very green and freshly mowed. The kids were content playing in the grass and dirt, and the animals were providing entertainment for us all.

"Here Tucker, chew on this?" Whatever 'this' was, I hope it didn't make it into his mouth!

Posed smile by Ace and Tucker crawling towards some fun. 

Cooper was dreaming of construction sites while loading dirt.  

"What's that sound? Oh, just a chicken." 

"All the promises of God find their yes in Him (Jesus Christ). That is why it is through Him that we utter our Amen to God for His glory." 2 Cor 1:20

*What a great verse by the way. I've always said, "in Christ's name" but haven't really studied this verse. But now I'll say that with more meaning. It's in Christ's name because all was done through Him. And all the glory of God shone through Him and by Him. Love the Word!!

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