Friday, October 10, 2014

Buckles and Birthdays

     We've been attending playdays all spring and summer. It's been fun to have something to do as a family, and it's been good for the boys to practice riding and getting to do 'horsey' things with other kids. Of course our kids were in the leadline class since they're pretty young beginners. But as the year has progressed (and we've gotten a kids' saddle for them) Cooper has become quite the rider on his own. Next year he'll be in the 6 and under class for sure.


     The September play day marked the end of the season, and average buckle winners would be announced. Cooper had been doing pretty well (considering he has the biggest horse and a fast dad, we weren't surprised) so he was definitely in the running. My parents came up to watch and spend the weekend and it turned out to be a very cold day for the play day! It was a nice change from the stifling heat, however, and now that it's been back in the 90s since then, I'm ready to need those warm clothes again. We sent the boys ahead and we followed, showing up a bit late. It served us well though because they started late and it was too cold to be sitting outside waiting. Mere Mere and Popsey came to watch too.
     It was a pretty quick play day,  a lot of folks didn't show up due to the weather I guess. The boys had fun and I even talked Dad into leading Ace in the poles. The goat slap was the event we'd been waiting for, because last month Ace got a black eye from a charging goat. When it was his turn everyone cheered him on, hoping he'd be brave. And he was….he got off the horse, charged right up to the goat and hit him with some force that said 'that's for what you did to me last time' even though I think it was a different goat. Ha! In any case, he did good and proved that he wasn't scared of the goat. Cooper did most of the events solo, in addition to lead line, so he could get practice. In the goat slap he rode down and got off his horse all by himself and slapped the goat.

Presentation time. By the time this group picture was taken they'd had many others already so they were over it!

Ace was excited about his buckle. Tucker was so excited that he couldn't stay awake during lunch.

     After all the riders had gone we went to the celebratory hamburger lunch and buckle presentation. Cooper won the average and got a big buckle to show for it. We all joke that Dalton should have gotten a buckle too, with all of the fast leading he was doing. Ace also got a participation buckle (all the lead liners did). They were proud of their accomplishments and it was fun to celebrate with them. I'm afraid Cooper's going to be in for a rude awakening when he starts competing in competitions that are a little harder.

    The rest of that weekend was spent celebrating Nana's birthday. She turned 90 and the McFarlane/Pitcock clan had plenty of fun planned. Dalton and I went to a dinner for her Saturday night while my parents watched the kids. Then Sunday after church we all went to Mere Mere and Popsey's for a birthday lunch with all the family. On Nana's actual birthday, Dalton and I went to the Wildcatter with all the grownups to celebrate again. It was great to see family from afar, and wonderful to celebrate 90 years of Nana.

"Grownup" dinner at the Country Club.

Lunch at Mere Mere and Popsey's Sunday after church.

Tucker enjoyed trying a Capri Sun, and the boys all posed for a picture with Nana. 

Group picture!! And birthday dinner Tuesday night at the Wildcatter. 

    We also snuck in a little Happy Birthday for Mom too, that included a cookie cake and singing boys. Her birthday is the day after Nana's and it seems that she is always in Graham around this time.

Birthday buddies, and Happy Birthday to GG! 

  Ace went home with Mom and Dad (not a surprise…he always wants to go with them). And the next weekend the boys and I went to pick him up and watch Pearson's football game. It turned into an all day visit with Rachel at their school's fall fest. Mom and I even got to play some volleyball with Rachel. It was so nice to play again. I loved doing something competitive and it was nice to know that I still have some skills. And getting to see my kids cheer for me was pretty neat too….they know I can do more than just mommy them, haha.
 Go Pearson Go!!

Cooper made friends with a cheerleader who gave them Capri Suns. That charmer…. 

 Picture with the player

The boys loved the track and wanted to race. Sliding down at the Fall Fest.

    Sunday Dalton and Dad came back from their bachelor weekend bird hunt and we headed home. Well, we headed home once the boys got to go to the Railroad Museum in Teague with Mom and Dad. They've been wanting to go there for a while, but it's only open on the weekends so it's hard to find the time. They had a big time playing on the engine and we had to tear them away crying.

They didn't want to leave. Can you blame them?

     So now the summer time activities are over, Cooper's school is in full swing (he's a big fan now which is nice) and fall is here (although summer temperatures haven't left yet). The next couple of months are filled with wedding preparations and activities, fall fun, recipes that include pumpkin and cinnamon and hopefully wardrobe changes that include sweaters and boots. I love this time of year!

"God has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end…I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so tat men will revere Him." Ecclesiastes 3:11,14

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