Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Fall Is Here

    Fall…..ahhh, the time of year I love (but doesn't everybody say that?). We've been enjoying this fall season, celebrating the upcoming weddings, spending time outside and waiting for another cold snap so we can break out the warm clothes and put away the shorts.
    Each fall, Graham's Christian private school holds a fall fest fundraiser. We went a couple of years ago but couldn't make it last year. So this year we were excited that it fell on an open weekend (which is a rarity this fall.) And the weather was a bit cooler, which was a bonus!

     Dalton and I were about as excited as the boys were when we pulled up to the 'fest'. They had a petting zoo with a camel and zebra (we looked but didn't pet - cheaper that way), bounce houses, many carnival games and food.
    We bought some tickets and headed to the games first. Cooper won a prize for throwing a baseball through a hole (I was impressed) and Dalton won us a soccer ball by hitting the bell with the sledgehammer.
    After we played some games and let the kids bounce around, they went on a train ride…their favorite treat by far. Then we bought some fried fish and listened to the music. The kids didn't stay seated long, they had to go boogie to the music. They asked for one more train ride and we obliged, and then loaded up three very tired but satisfied boys and headed home.
     Fall fests are one of the joys of fall, and a local one is even better!! (Unfortunately I accidentally deleted the other pictures I had on my phone.)

    We also bought some pumpkins a couple weeks ago at the local nursery, ones that my friend grew. They are beautiful and really made our porch look like fall has arrived. Of course my little helpers were ready to buy the entire patch, but they settled for one just their size. Karper was in town at the time too, so he joined in the pumpkin fun.

     I had a helper to haul my pumpkins too, and all three boys were eager to arrange and rearrange the pumpkins on the porch. Actually, they haven't stopped rearranging them any time they are outside. I have three stacked together and Tucker pushes the stack over any chance he gets. 

Fall is a great time for play dates in the park, and unfortunately sickness…
Ace and Tucker had the croup, not fun!

It is also the season for apples, which means home made applesauce to me. 
It's hard to beat homemade applesauce!

     Even though he can do this year round, I snapped this picture of Cooper climbing a tree in the yard the other day. He really likes climbing, obviously. Yesterday the boys were "building a house with sparkles on it." When I asked why he had sparkles, since boy houses shouldn't be sparkly, he replied, "Girls like sparkles, so they'll want to come inside with the boys." 
Hmmm sounds like a girl trap to me!! 

Sometimes my little boys sleep too late and I have to call on Popsey to pick up Cooper. Now Cooper requests for someone other than me (I'm not offended at all….right?) every day. Maybe it has something to do with what he gets to do with Popsey, like haul hay or go to the office. 

"The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man, nor is he served by human hands, as though he needed anything, since he himself gives to all mankind life and breath and everything." Acts 17:24-25

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