Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Busy Weekend with a Surprise

     This weekend was our 'paint the nursery' weekend. Though we do not have a set 'room theme' that's matchy-matchy we do have some really cute bedding that Mom found. It has a cartoon truck, helicopter, plane and boat and the colors go really well with our house. We picked colors from the bedding to do the room in and figure we can add other cute decor that compliments it all.

Someone snuck under the cover..what a ham

     We matched our colors last week and painted a sample area on the wall before the weekend came. We weren't too sure about the colors, one looked kinda dark and one kinda pinky, but after a second test coat and the thought of having to go through the picking out process again we decided to just go with what we had. What's the worst that could happen..paint again?
     So Friday night Dalton put the first coat of red on the one accent wall. I heard the term accent wall from others..but don't assume I know what the full purpose or meaning of one is..for us it's the wall that the crib will go on. The next morning he added a second coat and we assessed. It looks really good! We like the color a lot and couldn't wait to see what the brown looked like. While Cooper and I tried to stay busy playing and watching TV (the beautiful weather of the previous week left just in time for the weekend, and in it's place came a chilly, windy couple of days), Dalton painted the first coat of brown paint. We had to peek a couple of times and I convinced him to let me roll some on one wall (I held my breath). After coat number one we decided it was going to be just right.

Starting the process

Cooper was trying to help too

     While waiting for that to dry, we ate some leftovers for lunch and got down to the business of testing our garden soil to see what nutrients it needs. It was fun playing scientist. I felt like a kid again....I used to want to be a scientist, but later figured out that with my lack of precision and detail it probably wouldn't have worked out. "I bet you got that right, we don't need to re-test"..... you see where that could lead.
The scientist and his helper

     We bought a kit from the feed store and went to the garden spot to collect dirt. After collecting we put it into little test tubes, sprinkled the magic solution on, added water and waited. It was pretty neat...basically our soil is very alkaline and very low in all the nutrients. Time to fertilize!

 Adding the water

Ready to test

     While waiting for our soil tests to finish, we heard a knock at the door and SURPRISE, it was my mom, coming up for a visit. She'd talked about coming up earlier in the week, but decided she probably wouldn't. I'm so glad she changed her mind...Cooper and Dalton were too.


     We visited, she and Cooper bonded..he calls her GG and we can understand him. It's super cute. Then she volunteered to help with coat number 2. While she worked, Cooper laid by the door and looked under, saying 'GG.....GG'. Dalton came in to take over and within an hour the painting was finished. Woo hoo!

A glimpse of the finished product

     Now I want to paint more rooms in the house because the kids' rooms seem to be the only ones with personality. Most of our other walls are off-white. So we'll see if that happens sometime in the future.
     Sunday we moved a bit of furniture into the baby's room and again thought how great the colors look. Then Dalton, Cooper and I headed to church and left Mom at the house; she was heading out that morning. Then I got a text after church that asked me to pick up coffee for her...she decided to stay until Monday. Yeah! And while we were gone she had cleaned up and rearranged Coop's room. It looks so cozy now.
     We had a great visit that day and most of the day Monday. Mom helped me change up some things on the walls..I'm bad about wanting change but not knowing where to start decoratively, so I don't change anything. She helped me gain fresh vision. : ) Then she headed home. We're so glad she visited though...made our weekend!

     And it feels so nice to have the room painted. We're ready to get this baby moved in now! I have his dresser all filled with newborn to 3 month clothes..they are so tiny. Now if we can only think of a name.....

Haven't posted many pics of the expectant me, so here's one 

"And you shall rejoice in all the good that the Lord your God has given to you and to your house." Deut 26:11

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