Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Fixing Fence - A story in pictures

     You have to love Texas. The ground was covered in snow yesterday morning, and today it's 77 degrees outside! Dalton was fixing fence not far from the house and when he came home for lunch he invited us to tag along while he finished up after lunch. Not ones to turn down a ride in the Kubota, we got our shoes on and loaded up. It wasn't the most eventful outing, but I got some good pictures, so I figured I'd let those do the talking. I know you've been waiting for a post without the lengthy writing! I promise I try to keep it short but then I just can't stop myself. But I will stop myself today....captions only.

     First a few snow pictures:

 Checking on the chickens in the snow

Snowing Sunday night

     Fast forward to today: 

Ready to work? 

 Do I have to get out?

This is my idea of working!

 Daddy fixing a hole in the fence

 Where's Cooper? Hiding in the shade.

 Go get Daddy, I found another hole for him.

 I think I can handle this one. 

I'm working hard Mama!

 Moving to the next spot

 Daddy's putting Cooper to work

 I'm almost there!

 Hey Dad, let me borrow this tool.

 I think this is what you do.

Yep, I think I've about fixed it. 

     You can see by his little red cheeks that it got pretty warm out there in the sun. We finally waited in the shade of a cedar tree for Daddy to finish, then headed home. Cooper was in bed and asleep within 10 minutes...workin' wore him out. 

"Work hard, but not just to please your masters when they are watching. As slaves of Christ, do the will of God with all your heart. Work with enthusiasm, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people." Ephesians 6:6

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