Saturday, February 11, 2012

Surprise Valentine's Present for Me

     On the way to town the other evening Dalton said to me, with a very mischievous grin "You're getting a surprise!." To which I replied, "I don't like surprises, tell me what it is please." Then a guessing game ensued with me trying to guess what my surprise was. Of course I started guessing things of the animal variety...

"A puppy?"
"No but that would be a good idea."
"Surely not a horse?"
His reply was a 'you know better than that' look. So I moved on from animals to other things that I would like and he would be excited about having...because it was obvious he was excited about it.

"A storage building!"
"Garden equipment?"
"A green house"
"I'm running out of ideas...."
"Good..that's why it's a surprise!"

I ran through other options in my mind but couldn't figure it out so I stopped thinking about it. My big fear with regard to surprises is that I'll be surprised and not like whatever the surprise is. Then it's just awkward for everyone. Luckily I don't have trouble with enthusiasm, so I haven't had any negative surprise reactions yet. : )

 Fast forward to today. It's been really cold, but Dalton was determined to get things done outside. He added peat moss (to help the pH) and compost stuff to the garden, tilled it and then proceeded to go work on the chicken pen. When he headed that direction I told him not to worry about working on it...."We won't have chickens for at least a month," I said. He didn't listen and headed out to fix the invisible holes that the raccoons had found last fall. I watched him with admiration (I am too chicken, pun intended, to work out in the cold if I don't have to) and Cooper and I hung out in the house.

Finally he came in and relaxed on the couch, watching the Lone Ranger. I was in the process of making a chocolate pie (can't let a good pie crust go to waste), while slowly getting ready for a Valentine dinner/dance we get to attend tonight in Breckenridge. All of sudden, while washing a dish in the sink, Dalton rushed over and said "Go to our room, your surprise is here," and shuffled me off. He put a sock around my eyes as a blindfold and let me to the front door. I started to get nervous then...oh the joy of surprises. Then I heard Popsey's voice and continued outside. When Dalton removed the blindfold I saw my surprise......

Yep, a whole cage of chickens!! Woo hoo! I was super excited, and besides the slight embarrassment of being makeup-less and in my PJ pants (remember I was in the process of getting ready), it was a great moment. We now have 10 chickens and 2 roosters! Kudos to Dalton who managed to keep me off the scent until it was time to reveal...I had no idea.

Already liking their new home

Dalton wasn't too enthused about the roosters but I say, as long as they aren't mean, the more the merrier. Now we can hatch out babies if we want and raise more chickens. Is there room in my dining area for seedlings, our 'office things' and an incubator?? We shall see. ; )

Strutting his stuff for the hens

They drove the chickens down to the barn while I put on some 'real' pants. I managed to get a little makeup on too...whew. About that time Cooper woke up so he got to go meet the chickens too. There's quite a variety, and the roosters are really pretty. It was so nice for Popsey and Mere Mere to deliver them for us too. I'm glad they got to share in the excitement.

 Mere Mere and Popsey with the flock

Dalton voiced his concerns about the roosters being loud and just as I was about to give an excuse for them they both started to crow (thanks guys). It was pretty funny. Let's just hope they don't crow in the middle of the night! Cooper was NOT happy with the crows. He was near one when he crowed and Cooper cried. He's a hen man. They seemed friendly enough though, so we'll see if they stay that way.

Admiring the hens

 Cooper's checking to make sure they have food and water

 Popsey wrangling a chicken that escaped

Coop helping find just the right tool

So, thank you Dalton for the great Valentine's present! It's a gift that will keep on fact they had an egg already in the cage when they arrived...quality chickens. Who needs chocolate and jewelry when you can have animals?

Look closely and you can see Egg # 1in Popsey's hand

"Be joyful always; pray continuously; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1Thess 5:16-17

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