Sunday, February 19, 2012

Garden Season has Officially Begun

     Well, as of Wednesday, we have a garden! Dalton worked hard getting the ground ready last weekend so we could plant our potatoes, lettuce and broccoli. We put off planting them until mid-week because of the really cold temps in the weekend.
     We had church Wed. night, so it was up to Cooper and I to get things planted that day while Dalton was working.

Potatoes on the right, lettuce and broccoli on the left 

     Cooper really wanted to help with the planting so he was in charge of bringing me the potato pieces and dropping them in the holes. He did a pretty good job, except that he wanted to drop more than one piece in each hole.


     When we finished the row of potatoes we moved on the the lettuce and broccoli plants that I'd picked up from the store. I've never tried lettuce or broccoli so we'll see if they make it. It does look pretty great to see freshly plowed dirt with green plants sticking out of the ground.
     Once Cooper's job of handing me potatoes was finished he started walking on the row of potatoes (hopefully he didn't pack the dirt down too much), until I gave him another job of digging a hole in another part of the garden. That occupied him while I planted the other plants. Just about the time I finished he got bored and headed back my way. He's not too aware of the plants and had to be told to watch his step a few times. He has a tendency to tromp right across the plants.
     While he was 'working' the ground, Little Girl decided to come play with him. She likes to creep up on him and jump on him with a fake attack. Usually he takes the bait and chases her across the yard, but this day he kept on working.

Little Girl is preparing to attack

She leaps, fake attacks and then leaps away

" What just happened?"

     A few posts ago I wrote about planting seeds. Well, our work has paid off and the seeds are sprouting now! It's so neat to go look at the plants each day and see which ones have sprouted and how much they've grown.

     Now it's just a matter of keeping them growing until it's time to put them in the ground next month. Planting time is looking to fall right about baby time, so it will be interesting to see how all of that goes.

Green Bean Sprout

Squash Sprout

     On another front, now that we have chickens again we get to go check on them and let them out in the evenings. Cooper likes this chore, especially when there are eggs. I have a mini pail that I let him carry one egg in. So far we haven't broken one, but I know it's probably a matter of time. More good news..the roosters seem to be friendly and haven't made an aggressive move towards us yet.

     It's Saturday afternoon as I write this, and it's been raining all day. I'm glad the plants are getting good, God-sent water. And after today it's supposed to warm up and be very pleasant. Hopefully it helps our new garden get a good start growing.

"As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease." Genesis 8:22

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