Tuesday, April 24, 2012

"And the fun continues..."

     Getting used to having two kiddos has been interesting. On one hand the logistics of it all haven't been as bad as I thought they would be. Nap times have worked out ok...usually Ace naps in his little sheep seat while I put Cooper down, then we leave the room. Cooper still likes Ace, which is a big help; I was worried that the new was going to wear off. And Dalton has been able to take Cooper with him quite a few times, either for a little while or the entire morning. That's been good for Cooper and myself. The only awkward thing has been trying to feed Ace while keeping Cooper occupied and happy. I have to admit Cooper's watched more TV lately than I would like, but you do what you have to to make it through the crazy times. At least he watches mostly educational shows.

    The hardest part of this, for me, has been emotional. I swing back and forth from feeling bad for Cooper because he has to wait for my attention, and feeling like all I do with Ace is feed him and set him down. I'm finding a balance though, which I think is the key. I have to make time for both boys individually without making myself crazy. When I start thinking too much about it all and getting myself worked up, I remember my childhood and realize how horrible being an only child would have been. My brother was my best friend growing up. I hope that these guys are as close as we were, then it will be all worth it.
   Cooper has been watching Ace and I closely though, because he's started to imitate a few things. He'll get his horsey and put him in Ace's swing. Then, very carefully with both hands in proper form, he'll get horsey out and carry him around. He also puts a blanket around horsey before carrying him sometimes. Yesterday he wanted to put his puppy dog into the Snugli backpack carrier that I use for Ace. I shoudl have snapped a pic of him with it on and puppy inside. It's really sweet and shows just how much he observes and takes in.

One of the not so good imitations.. wanting to use the baby toys.

    As I said, I'm glad to have my two little guys, but I'm not going to lie, I'm ready for Ace to get out of this newborn stage and into one that's a little less fragile and a little more interactive. Dalton and I both like kiddos better once they pass the six month old mark. Ace is getting cuter by the day though, and he's starting to smile and coo. It's so precious. He's also been rolling over from belly to back...way early!

     The title of this post comes from a quote by Dalton. We definitely want to have more kids, but after having Ace, Dalton is trying to talk me into having the next one farther apart than Cooper and Ace are. I, on the other hand, see pregnant women and miss being pregnant. Don't misunderstand me though...I don't want to have another one for a couple of years! When things get crazy, Dalton says this phrase and I just laugh. Something about the way he says it just cracks me up. I'll give you a few scenarios:

     1. We were at the drive in with Garrett and Ace was crying. Dalton picked him up and everything was great. Then we heard Ace fill up his diaper..well apparently he overfilled it because Dalton found evidence on his shirt. "He pooped on me....and the fun continues."

   2. Cooper was throwing a fit at home (about what I can't remember because he does this often) and I was dealing with Ace so Dalton had to handle him. "And the fun continues."

   3. It was dinner time, Dalton, Cooper and I had just sat down to dinner while Ace was sleeping in his room. We finished our prayer, picked up our forks and Ace started crying. "And the fun continues."

   4. We're finally asleep at 3 a.m. when a little person appears at the side of the bed saying 'Dada.' Dalton gets up to take him back to bed "and the fun continues."

   You get the idea. But don't worry or let Dalton's comments mislead you; he's loving having his two boys and he's adjusting well. He hasn't started working extra late to avoid coming home or anything, so I think we're doing ok.

"Every good and perfect gift is from above." James 1:17


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