Tuesday, April 3, 2012

First Week Home Highlights

     Well, we made it through the first week home with baby Ace. Mom stayed with us for a full week, which was so nice. It really was good for Cooper to have a buddy here to keep him occupied and happy while we adjusted to having a newborn.

Ace has some very interesting and comical expressions!

Bonding after bath time

     I think it was a harder adjustment for me those first couple of nights. We are keeping him in our room, in a co-sleeper, which has made the nights so much easier on me...a lot less getting up and going to another room. Even so, those first two nights had me wondering if we had made a mistake in having another one (irrational and sleep-deprived thinking I know). I just kept thinking how much this changes things for us and Cooper, and in the middle of the night, instead of dealing with a constantly waking and hungry newborn I just wanted to go cuddle up with Cooper in his bed and love him. Thankfully those feelings passed after the first couple of nights, and since then we've been enjoying having two around.

 GG supervising

 "Be quiet baby."

Coop wants to know what's going on under there. 
Thankfully he isn't too curious..awkward!

Sweet sleeping baby

     Cooper has still been great. He likes to hold Ace (but not for too long), and wants to help out whenever he can. He's always been a great helper though. When he would go outside to play and then come back in he'd look around to see where baby Ace was. He likes to know his whereabouts...sweet big brother. One really cute thing that happened: we were looking for a pacifier for Ace and Mom was asking where one was, when all of a sudden we heard a voice coming from Ace's room saying 'Mama? GG?' Mom went in to find Cooper in the crib holding out a pacifier. He'd climbed in the crib to get Ace's paci and couldn't get back out. What a sweet helper!! I wish I would have gotten a picture.

 Grilling in his big boy undies

 Practicing shaking hands with GG

Bath and brushing time

Coop's checking things out

     Activities that first week included some outside time, TV time, sitting around and watching each other time, and nap time. I can't say that I had great naps, but I did get to shut my eyes a few times. The nights were somewhat comical because Mom slept on the couch and it seemed like we would pass each other in the night regularly. Then one night Dalton fell asleep in Cooper's room and so all three of us were like night creatures coming out of various doors at various hours returning to our beds.

 We were all doing this after the long nights

Found a new cool place to sit and read

     Speaking of Cooper sleeping; he slept all night in his bed twice. The other nights he wound up in our bed sometime in the early morning. It was a little awkward fitting us all in, but I have to admit that it was so sweet to wake up with my whole family of 4 together.
     Wednesday I took Ace to the Dr. for his checkup, while Mom and Cooper ran errands. The Dr. said Ace looked fantastic; clean bill of health, so we'll go back in May for another checkup. Mom and Cooper seemed to have a successful trip too...more bonding time for them. Then I took Cooper to get a haircut. He was such a big boy and sat so still in the chair. He smirked most of the time like he loved getting the extra attention. It was good for him.

Ace is super-excited about going to the Dr.

     Thursday Mom went into town for a little treat and Mere Mere came out to visit. She got to have some cuddle time with Ace and played with Cooper. She even brought some very pretty flowers to brighten up our dinging room.
     The week ended with a weekend visit from Papa John and Pearson. It was a great weekend, but I'll talk about it in the next post...Gardening Part 2.
     Bottom line...we are so blessed and things are going great. I'll report again next week to see how it goes without my nanny here to help.

 Mom did an impromptu photo shoot...cute

 Precious boy!

Did I mention Cooper likes streaking around the house and yard? 
We downloaded Ray Stevens' song The Streak to be his theme song. : )

The End (haha)

"So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Cor 10:31

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