Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Gardening Part 2

     Friday night Dad and Pearson arrived to spend the weekend and take Mom back home. We were excited for visitors, especially for Pearson to come so that Cooper would have a buddy to play with. Dalton  went into town for a birthday dinner with his family, so it was just Mom, the boys and I here when they arrived. Soon after they arrived I discovered that they had not traveled alone...

     Meet the newest member of our family! Gus the dog. He's 3/4 Great Pyrenees and 1/4 lab. He should be a great dog for the family.

 What you imagine the meeting to be like...

 The reality 

 Dad coaxing Cooper to pet Gus

 He's so soft!

     Cooper isn't too sure about him yet. He usually likes dogs from a distance, and not up close. But he's slowly getting used to him and likes to watch him play. In the last couple of days he's even played tug of war with him, using an old lead rope. I think they'll be good friends. Plus, Gus will help keep critters away from the house, including snakes...a big plus.

 Pearson gave Cooper a few climbing lessons

 Playing games on GG's phone

Cooper's turn

     It didn't take long for Cooper and Pearson to start playing together, and for the entire weekend Cooper followed Pearson around pushing trucks and trailers. It was cute to see how he interacted with an older buddy, he acted like such a big boy.

It took a little while for them to warm up to each other

Checking out the bass boat

     Saturday morning we had a big breakfast of eggs (of course) and sausage. Then we broke the news to the visitors that there was gardening to do. We had to take advantage of free help. : ) While Mom and I watched Pioneer Woman, Dad and Dalton readied the garden by making tilling and making rows. Then I went out to help plant while Mom supervised the boys.

 The boys feeding Sat morning

 Planning each row

 Enjoying the freshly tilled dirt

 Harvesting my lettuce 

     We planted tomatoes, green beans, peas, cantaloupe,  cucumber, okra, squash, zucchini, and strawberries (in a raised bed). It's always fun to plant the new little plants or seeds..almost as much fun as  picking the first produce from the plants.

All the guys in one shot!

This is Ace enjoying gardening

     While we planted, Pearson and Cooper played with play-doh, Cooper's tent and tunnel, and toy trucks. They also practiced hunting Easter eggs, courtesy of Rachel. Gus the dog was never far away and Cooper always had an eye on him. By the way Gus looks really cute in the yard...his white coat compliments the green grass very nicely. : ) Ace napped in the bouncer during all of the action. We were fortunate to have a nice day that wasn't windy.

 Where's Pearson?

Brothers : ) 

     After the garden work we all enjoyed the nice weather, then had lunch. Then it was naptime for most of us...including myself. How nice it was! That evening Mere Mere and Popsey came over to visit. Unfortunately I didn't have my camera out at the time so I don't have any pictures of them...funny Mom seemed to avoid the camera too. I'll get them all next time for sure. We visited outside and then had PW meatloaf for dinner.
 John Deere shirt in the John Deere tractor

     The next morning the travelers got their things together and headed out about 10:30. We were sad to see them go but anxious to start our new, normal life as a family of 4. So far it's been really nice and smooth...busy, but smooth. Of course I haven't made any trips to town with both boys, so we'll see how that goes when the time comes!

 Sweet baby feet!

 "The Lord is good to all; and his tender mercies are over all His works." Psalm 145:9


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