Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Weekend with Garrett

    Last weekend Garrett came to visit us. We were super excited for him to come and stay. He was supposed to come Friday night but got held up, so he came Saturday morning. We didn't expect him to get here until lunch, so when he showed up at 10 we were caught off guard...but pleasantly surprised.
    He came in and met Ace and held him for just a minute. I had to snap the picture quickly before he gave Ace back to me. Garrett says he likes kids over 2 and up. I understand...and was the same way before my own kids came along.

Uncle Garrett and Ace Garrett

     We had lunch and then Garrett showed us the gift he made for the boys. It's a handsome little cedar picnic table..just the perfect size for Cooper. It was a GREAT gift and we'll use it a lot. Cooper is already using it to escape from Gus when he gets too playful.

 Cooper is patiently waiting

 A perfect fit

Chilling with Uncle Garrett

 Checking out the construction job

     Then he got out another gift; this one is for Cooper's birthday. We tried to convince him to wait until May but he insisted. (I think he's afraid we're going to back out of visiting him for Coop's birthday, but we are going down there for sure.) It's a cute little fishing pole and tackle box. I had to go feed Ace about this time so I didn't get a lot of pics, but Dalton managed to snap one. I was watching out the window though and wish I could have gotten a picture of Uncle Garrett helping Cooper learn to push the button to cast and reel it in. I was surprised that Cooper could reel it in so well after only a short lesson. Now we have to hide the pole until fishing time for safety reasons. : )

Garrett's helping Cooper reel it in

     A little while later the boys all went fishing (well, not Ace of course) and I got things cleaned up around the house. They came back with no fish, but I think they had a good time anyway. They all got to paddle up the creek in the boat, which I wish I had a picture of.
     Before Garrett came I was trying to think of something fun for us all to do. We are limited with a newborn, but when I heard that Hunger Games was showing at the drive in I knew it was meant to be. I didn't know what Garrett would think of the idea, but he seemed excited to go..he'd never been to one before, which I hadn't realized. We all went to Potter's Pizza to eat, then dropped Cooper at Mere Mere and Popsey's and headed to the drive in.

The movie-goers (not my most flattering pic I know)

     The movie was great! I am so glad that I got to finish it on the big screen. And Garrett and Dalton had a good time too. They even both liked the movie, which was a big plus for me. Ace did pretty good too. When we went to pick up Cooper after the movie we expected him to be asleep but he came bounding out of the house. He was so cute. Of course he was asleep by the time we left the driveway.
     Sunday morning Garrett hung around for a little while and then headed back home. We really enjoyed his visit and can't wait to go fishing on the river with him next month.

 Ready for football...Garrett put baseballs in his shirt

Playing catch

"The Lord is near to all who call on Him, to all who call on Him in truth." Psalm 145:18

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