Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Tractors, Calves and Boats

     The time of year has arrived when there is lots to do outdoors, for work and play. Recently (well, maybe not too recently...it's taken me a while to get this posted) Dalton and Popsey had to work calves, and I took Cooper along to watch the action. We have to start young so he'll be interested when it's his turn.

 Popsey and Daddy hard at work

 Herding cows with his stick

 Walking in the tire track

Cooper -  "Guys what's going on? I want to help." 

 Doing the dirty work

There were a lot of grasshoppers. 
Cooper even had one in his pocket for a little while.

     Springtime also means plowing up the ground to get ready to plant something new. This means that Dalton gets to use the big tractor...which Cooper likes. We took Dalton lunch one day while he was plowing and Cooper got to ride in the tractor for a couple of rounds. I think he liked it, except that he bumped his eye on something while bouncing around on Daddy's lap.

 "Bye Mama!"

And they're off...

     Dalton and Popsey have been working on a little john boat and motor, a fun thing to do with Cooper this summer. Dalton wants to take it on the creek to fish, but for their first outing we took it to the lake. Thankfully it started up and they were able to take a little ride around the dock. They even took the Heartfield kids with them. I think they all had a good time.  I would share pictures, but while transferring the pictures something happened and I lost them. I'll have to share them later.

This picture is after Coop and Dalt got home 
from going to the lake a second time. 

     More updates to come...the garden has exploded and I can't wait to share pictures! God is so good and we are so blessed. I am overwhelmed daily at His goodness and provision. He gives us just what we need when we need it, no more, no less. It's a great testimony to His faithfulness, and helps us not to get too comfortable.

Love Ace's expression

"In Him we live, and move and have our being." Acts 17:28

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