Sunday, May 5, 2013

Joyful Day

  Last week we had one of those simple, joyful days I've been longing for. It was filled with much laughter, outside time and general simple family fun.
    It started out at 5 when Ace started crying and finally came to our bed to sleep. Then about 6:30 I snuck out of the bed to see if Dalton was still at the house. He was helping his dad work calves and was leaving early. Instead I found an open fridge with Cooper looking for his milk. We found his milk and then I heard a squeak from my bed so we went back in there and laid down, in hopes that Ace would go back to sleep. No such luck. So 6:30 we were all awake and ready for the day.
     The boys and I went on the porch in our PJs and watched Daddy saddle up and ride away, then headed back inside to get ready ourselves. I made a little breakfast and we got our teeth brushed and clothes on (which sometimes takes 30 minutes). We played a little and then Cooper watched Bubble Guppies while I tidied up the house.
    Then Cooper helped me make lunch for us and Dalton, so we could take it down to where they were working calves. Cooper really got into this part. We used his lunch box with his name on it, and he was all about putting the sandwiches and chips in it just right. After we loaded up the lunch box, he carried it around the house until it was time to leave. He didn't want to put it down.
    Around 10 we loaded up and headed out. They were in our neck of the woods, so we didn't have to go far. We pulled up and the boys were ready to get out and check things out. We arrived just before they started working calves, and Cooper acted shy when he talked to everybody. When he feels uncomfortable or doesn't know what to say he automatically looks down and kicks up a foot to show off his boot, or lifts his shirt to show off his belt. It distracts the people from him and then they start oohhing and aaahhhhing at his accessories. It's a pretty good defense mechanism.

    While they worked calves we watched a little, then the boys played in the dirt with the tractor, then we found the 'caterpillar grass' and made the 'caterpillars' crawl out of our hands. They had a big time just getting to be outside in new surroundings. One heifer got loose and we had to get her back in the pen. We all were walking behind her and Popsey and Dalt told Cooper to go get her. He was so cute, walking up to her, saying "Go on cow" and waving his arms. When she went in the right spot he turned and said to me "I'm a good cowboy." It was the highlight of his day I think.
    Ace was all about the gates. He like to mess with the latches and chains and put them on and off. He made Cooper a little nervous when he started messing with the latch on the gate where a bull was. They'd been talking about how the bull wasn't very nice, and Cooper didn't want to take any chances. He kept saying "Mommy, Ace is messing with the gate. Mommy, get Ace."
    After the work, it was lunch time and Cooper was ready to picnic. He got his lunch box and found us a spot. So Cooper, Ace, Dalton, Popsey, Wiley, Jimmy and I all had a 'picnic' by the cattle pens. It was a bit comical to me (Dalton said I was just in a funny mood). The kids were a mess and kept dropping food and picking it up and putting in their mouths. And just having the grown men all huddle around was funny. Finally the boys started chasing cats and wandering so it was time to hit the road. I left with two happy but filthy little boys. When we got in the car Cooper said "That was a fun picnic."
    When we got back to the house the boys had a nice afternoon bath and then it was time for a nap. While I was putting Ace down I kept hearing bumping noises and had a feeling it was Cooper. But if you're a mom you know not to make a move when your little one is almost asleep, not worth the risk. When I did come out of Ace's room I immediately heard heavy breathing from under Cooper's door and knew he just wasn't going to nap. So he came out in his undies and watched a little Dora, then watched Daddy unsaddle horses and checked on the kittens. Then he got dressed and rode along with Dalton to town. It was a good way to get him to nap in the truck and for him to have some special time.
     That evening we got ready and went to a fish fry at a friend's place. Besides being delicious food, it was fun to just visit with different people and watch the boys run around. Cooper wasn't very social and used his boot defense a lot. Then the boys spotted a dog and from then on they chased it around. I had a couple of people tell me it was time to get them a dog…and they're probably right. Too bad Gus Gus is a horse now, I think he's going to be at GG and Papa's a while.
     When the boys started getting a little wild; Ace kept getting ice out of the coolers and Cooper was gravitating to the equipment outside, we knew it was time to head home. It's always exhausting going places with the boys, but as easy as it would be to leave them at home with a babysitter, it's so much more memorable when they are with us, living as a family, even in the chaos. On the way home we laughed about the day and funny things that happened.
     We spent the rest of the evening outside playing. Cooper drove his tractor through some cones I set up, Ace chased the cats around, and we all went to check out the beans that have sprouted. I love it when they are coming up. It's such a miracle. God is so good and so creative when it comes to how things work and grow. What a blessing to get to see it in person and share it with our kids. It's a fun daily treat to go out to the garden and see what's grown.
     Then Dalton and I got to talking about who was faster and decided we needed to race. I regret this decision because he smoked me about 5 times as we sprinted across the yard! The boys got a kick out of it though, and to help me feel better I raced Cooper….we tied.
     When we made it inside we got our PJs on, turned on the ball game and chilled out in the living room. Cooper and I had a nice long phone conversation with GG and Papa. Then, way past bedtime, we put the boys down. I had to negotiate with Cooper about how many songs I was going to sing to him. I said I'd sing 3, he said 5 and we settled on 4. He is very persuasive.

     I know you're thinking that all of this wasn't really worth a post, but I didn't want it to pass without marking it down for myself. I'm excited about the warmer weather and long days. It makes for busy times and tired nights, which equals good sleeping (well, for everyone except Ace).

**This post was written over a week ago, but because of my not so great internet, it wouldn't publish until today.

"Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord…He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream…and never fails to bear fruit." Jeremiah 17:7,8

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