Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Two Surprises in One Day!

     I'm a week behind, so pretend I'm writing this last Monday! We got home from a week at Mom and Dad's Monday evening and showed the boys a surprise Dalton had built for them…..

     A sandbox! It is so big and fun and full of real sand, the kids were excited, and so was I. Another fun thing to have around to keep the kiddos busy, and actually I've been having a big time in it too. I like burying my feet under the sand. Ace likes scooping the sand and throwing it out or on top of himself. Cooper enjoys digging in the sand with his trucks and bulldozer and excavator.

    Then, that evening when Dalton got home we went out to get another surprise for the whole family…

    A puppy! It was a tough choice. The two available pups were different and I liked one while Dalton liked the other. I liked the one that was cuter with more white on it, but it was really timid and shy. Dalton liked the spunky one with lots of personality that was a little darker. We looked and discussed and looked and finally picked one, the one with lots of personality.

     When we got him home we tried to think of a name and finally settled on Max. He's Mad Max if he's separated from us because he gets so irritated and barks and barks. But really he's been a good boy so far. It's nice to have a dog in the backyard. Cooper likes him, as long as he doesn't get in his way. Ace likes him until Max gets too frisky and starts nipping and scratching. Then we have to rescue him. But Ace gets back at Max by pulling on his ears until he yelps.

    It was a big day for the boys, after a big weekend, and when bedtime came we were all glad to be home with Daddy and in our own beds.

"Jesus replied, 'If anyone loves me he will obey my teachings. My Father will love him and we will come to him and make our home with him." John 14:23

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