Friday, May 17, 2013

Life in 2nd Gear

     The boys and I are visiting Mom and Dad for the week and even though we've had many highlights, including visiting cousins and watching Duck Dynasty with Dad, the highlight of the week for Cooper has been getting to hit the open driveway with his tractor in 2nd gear. Because our yard is so small he only gets to ride in 1st gear at home. But here there is a lot more room.
    We all went for a walk the other day and let him crank it up. He hit the gas, smiled really big and disappeared into a cloud of dust.....really.  I had to jog to catch up to him because he was heading down the big hill towards the highway. Only when I grabbed the back of the tractor did he stop.
     Later, when we got back to the house, he just rode around and around Papa's truck grinning. Each day since then he's headed out again. We started closing the gate to keep him from leaving the place and he enjoys the freedom.

Ace enjoyed sitting in the boat helping Papa get his fishing rod ready.

     Then we opened the gate and he rode in the pasture. It was pretty cute watching him cruise in the tall grass.

     Ace even hitched a ride after walking after him.

     Ahh the simple things in life that make a day great for a 2 year old, and his mommy as she watches him!

Smiling big in the boat 

 Papa's barn is full of fun toys

"You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore." Psalm 16:11

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