Monday, September 15, 2014

First Day of School

     We have been toying with the idea of sending Cooper to preschool for some time now. We are positive that we are going to homeschool for several reasons, but I wanted to give him the 'experience' of school before we began that, and before the opportunity passed him by.
     Once we moved closer to town it became a possibility to send him, and things worked out for him to start this fall. As the time drew near I got excited about the new experience. Getting him a backpack, school clothes and signing him up was all fun….although Cooper wasn't as enthused about the details. But he did speak fondly of the day when he'd start preschool and really liked the backpack.
     On Parent Orientation night we learned about the program and the teachers and signed up to help with a party and field trip, how exciting!
    Cooper's teacher also came out to visit him before he started, to see him on his own turf. He talked to them about his trains (almost couldn't get him away from the train table while they were there), showed off his machines and gave them the details about each one, told them the names of all his pets and horses and more. I was happy he was talkative and friendly. The teacher's aide that came too said "He's got a great personality! He's not shy at all." And I thought to myself…you just wait. The most comical part of the visit came prior to their arrival. They called to let us know they were on their way and Cooper beat me to the phone. In fact he'd been talking for a bit before I even realized he was on the phone (I was busy straightening the house.) I got on the phone and told them we'd see them soon. When I hung up Cooper said "I told them they could come over….we cleaned the house and it's ready." Great!!!
     The Thursday before he was to start we went to meet the teacher. He talked to the teachers again, saw where he'd be sitting, his cubby and spot for circle time. He also got to play with his new classmates. He had a great time and I had to drag him away from the play kitchen…a big hit with the boys.

He started school Sept 2nd, the day after Labor Day. He was excited and wanted to carry his lunchbox and backpack by himself. We took a couple pictures at home and then drove to school. I was a little sad to see him this big, but excited for him because I knew he'd love it. 
     When I dropped him off he was a little more reserved and nervous but he went to his seat and started playing blocks with his friend. I said goodbye and headed out with all of the other moms. The other two boys and I went to the park to play with their friends, then got lunch and headed home. 2:30 came quickly and I loaded up two tired boys and headed back in to town. Of course Ace wanted to get out too, so we all got out and went in to get Cooper. 
      He was excited to see us and told Ace (while giving him a hug) "I missed you Ace!" It was a sweet moment. On the way home we stopped for frozen yogurt to celebrate. It was a good treat and we all were glad for the coolness because it was hot outside!

    After yogurt I asked Cooper how his day was and what they did. His response was "Too much for words" and that playing outside was his favorite and napping was not. But overall he seemed to have fun.  He did say that no one would play with him at play time. My heart hurt for him and I tried to keep a happy face as I told him to just go play by himself or with someone else. (Honestly he probably wanted to play trucks - acting like he's a truck - and no one wanted to join in his uniqueness.) It was one of the first times I felt super defensive for my boy because someone else had turned him down….not a fan of that feeling.
     Wednesday morning when I dropped Cooper off, another mom of one of the girls in his class stopped me and asked if I was Cooper's mom. I said yes and she said "My daughter came home yesterday and said she was going to marry Cooper." So funny! Cooper had talked about this girl, saying she was as fast as he was on the playground. Popsey picked him up because I had to be somewhere and Cooper really enjoyed that. He got to hang out at Popsey's office too, a bonus. That evening he told me that he wanted Popsey to pick him up everyday.
     Thursday we forgot to send Horsey for nap time and he was apparently upset. He'd also skinned both his knees on the playground, so he had a rough day. I was ready to scoop him up when I saw him as my Mommy heart was hurt that he was having a bad day. But by the time that I picked him up that afternoon he was happy.

    The second week of preschool was a little more difficult for the Coopster. He was reluctant to go to class and clung to me a bit. I was sad and relieved at the same time, to be honest. I was sad that he wasn't enjoying the experience that I thought he would love. And I was relieved because it wouldn't be as much of an issue to take away this and homeschool when the time comes. In fact, he's been telling me he's ready to homeschool…we are doing phonics at home. Also, this has been super hard on me and the little ones. I thought it would be nice to have only two kiddos for a bit, but it's a bad tradeoff when I have to load them all up twice a day, and one of those times is nap time so someone is cranky by the end of the day. As the dinosaur says in Meet The Robinsons "I don't think you thought this plan through very well." 

See he's not missing as much as he thinks, just playing in the grass!

    On Wednesday morning I told Cooper that he had to go but if he changed his mind later on in the year we can do something different. His response was "I already changed my mind." I walked him in, sat him down and got him working. Daddy was picking him up that day so he had something to look forward to. That's been his reaction with school overall. He tells everyone "It's ok" but that's about it. Then he goes off to play at home.
    Thursday was the worst of the drop offs. He didn't cry, but moped and mumbled instead of bouncing on into the room. Luckily Mere Mere was picking him up that day so that was what I used to get him to stay and get to work. I left feeling a little down because this situation is stressing me out a little.
     I texted his teacher later on to see if he was happier or still mopey and she called me. Never a good sign…. She said that his mopiness comes and goes. He's very slow to get his morning work done because he says it's boring and he wants to go home. He even told her "my mom says this is boring and that I don't have to do it." I can't believe he'd lie like that….oh wait, yes I can. She said they talk him through it and he gets his work finished. Then he'll be happy and then melt down again and cry for home. He'll say "I just want to be home with my Mommy and brothers." I had to fight back tears on the phone when I heard that one. But then she said he also said "I just need to check on my machines." Hmmm, so he's picturing Ace at home playing with his beloved machines and that's making him nervous. Silly boy! I told her our feelings, that we wanted him to have the experience but aren't desperate to have him at preschool and told her I'd continue to encourage him and tell him to obey the teacher. That afternoon when Mere Mere dropped him off he was happy and positive, including the crying in his daily report without missing a beat.

He thinks he's the boss man.  
Not sure why he would rather do this than sit in a classroom all day. ; ) 

      So now we are just waiting a little longer to see how he feels and then we'll decide if we are going to continue through May or pull him out early. Because I did this for his benefit, thinking he'd love it, I'm not worried about making him stay. However, we want to teach him perseverance and don't want to pander to him if he just doesn't want to obey and follow instructions. In his defense he knows pretty much all of what they are talking about (ABCs, colors, shapes, numbers). But I would like for them to teach him all of that crafty stuff that I'm not into, and work on handwriting.
    It's so funny how life works. I was so ready to move closer to town so that I had lots of access to everything, including the store, school, park, and other activities. But now all I want to do is slow down, retreat and raise my kids and stay at home more, without feeling obligated to join everything.
    I'll keep you updated about what we decide.

"Only be careful and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them fade from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them….If you seek the Lord your God, you wil find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul." Deut 4:9,29

Play dates from the Summer

    I love having people over. Always have, probably always will. I like big groups especially, and parties. This summer I had a few play dates for mommies and kiddos so that I could enjoy some talk with other adults and my kids could play with other kids (and let's be real here - so I could fill a few hours before nap time!).
    Even though it's mid-September and school has started I wanted to include a few shots of our fun times with friends. This way we can look back and remark about how cute and little they all were.

 This was a super fun play date. Only a few moms and kids came and they all got along wonderfully. 
Of course I wonder if these pictures are foretelling the future? Ace driving away with the pretty girl while Cooper runs after them!! We shall see. 

Picnic lunches are the best! 

This play date had a locust shell hunt involved. They found a lot of shells! 

This was my back to school play date. I had crayons for a favor, ABC cookies and we had lunch and ice cream pops for dessert. It was so so fun, with 8 moms and 18 kids it was busy busy!! 

Visiting while they ate lunch. 
I also set up an obstacle course when they started getting bored and it was a big hit!! 

    I'm sure this fall we'll have more fun with friends and family. I'm so thankful that God blessed us with a big yard and place that is perfectly set up for fellowship! 

"Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Hebrews 10:25

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Happy Birthday!

    August is a busy time for us here, with many birthdays, including mine and Dalton's. This year we enjoyed time with family for both of our special days. Here are a few snapshots of the celebrations.

We celebrated with the Pitcocks at Vitoni's, what a nice birthday lunch.
The best part about year 30….having Tucker join the family.

 Greeted with a birthday donut on my birthday. 

Doing some chainsaw work that afternoon. 

Yay for birthday cake!! I also got a couple new shirts, a candle and my hair done. 
 It was a sweet relaxing day.

    For Dalton's birthday we had his parents and Nana over. We had to pick up his gift on our way back from Garrett's and while we were shopping Cooper picked out a little pinata he wanted to get for the party. I told him not to tell Daddy and when he asked we'd say no. So all the way home he kept saying, "We didn't get a pinata for Dad did we?" And then he'd wink at me the best he could. About a minute later he'd ask, in a worried voice, "But we really did get him one right?" I would tell him of course not and hope he'd forget about it. He didn't. This went on the whole ride from Stephenville to Graham. It was pretty funny.

Party time! And my little helper in the kitchen while I was making the cake. 
Dalton requested a store bought chocolate cake mix. I was a little offended since the past couple of years I've gone out of my way to make him special homemade cakes and he is happier with a cake mix. But at least he's easy to please! 

Lighting the candles with helpers. 

Happy Birthday to you…they all blew them out together. 

A fire pit to use for camping or entertaining in the yard. 

Pinata time! It was a little dangerous on the porch and 
we had to make due without a proper pinata stick.

 After we divided up the candy Nana had the wonderful idea of calming the two rowdy kids by reading to them. She drew a crowd and before long she'd lulled all of them into a nice calm state of mind. 

Happy family on a Happy Birthday

"The Lord is my light and my salvation--whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life--of whom shall I be afraid?.. One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple" Psalm 27:1, 4

Friday, September 5, 2014

New Braunfels or Bust!

   A couple weekends ago I was supposed to go to New Braunfels with Mom and Tucker to visit Garrett and help with wedding to dos. Well, plans always change, and this weekend wasn't an exception. I found out that Dad was going with Mom and then asked Dalton if the whole family wanted to go. He gave a resounding yes…why watch the boys here by himself when he could go on a trip and have me to help. Besides, there was a hotel stay involved and that meant vacation for us (we're so easy to please!).
    Once that was decided (on Thursday afternoon) I packed up everyone and we left the next morning. New Braunfels is a long way away, and even farther when you are traveling with 3 kids 4 and under! So you won't be surprised to hear that we left about 10:30 and didn't arrive until 6. In our defense though, we did have a couple stops to make.
    First we stopped in Hamilton for a late DQ lunch. The kids slept up to this point and were ready to get out when they woke up in route. We ate a burger, stretched our legs and hopped back in the car. The next stop was a friend's house in Burnet. Unfortunately we missed our turn and went about 20 miles out of the way and our gas light came on in the middle of nowhere. By the time we arrived, everyone was cranky, but we did make it without running out of gas! It was a great visit, as we got to meet their baby boy for the first time. We visited, changed two stinky diapers and then loaded back up…..realizing that we still had a long way to go!

You can see all three on the road. And thank goodness for Iphones on this trip! 

Photo op with Luke. Ace didn't want to participate, so surprising.

     The rest of the drive is a bit of a blur that involved lots of kid songs, some TV, crying baby, snacks and a constant checking of the map to see if we were about to arrive. Arrive we did, and bursted into Garrett's house with all the noise and chaos that we always have. We visited there for about 20 minutes, and then to the kids' dislike, loaded up again to head to a restaurant to eat. We made a pit stop to check in at our hotel (it was really hard to get the kids back in the car after that!) and at the dollar general for puffs and baby cheetos…must haves at a restaurant. When I checked in, everyone else was in the car, so I'm sure the staff was surprised when I returned with not only my bag, but a husband and three little ones in tow, 
all to a room with just one bed!     Thankfully the kids did great at the restaurant, despite being tired after their car ride. We enjoyed some delicious food and meeting Amy's mom. After dinner we headed to our hotel, excited to stay in one but also a little iffy about the fact that all that was available was a King bed. We set up Tucker's pack n play, made Cooper a pallet on the floor and then showered and got to bed…late. The kids had to play on the phones (we unplugged them first), bounce on the bed and open every cabinet door. 

"Hello, what would you like?" "Cheeseburger and french fries please." "Okay, that'll be $25" "Okay"

 Everyone's excited about the room. When I asked "Who wants to stay at Garrett's with GG and Papa?" (thinking maybe we could unload someone to save bed space) the reply from Cooper was "Not Me!"

      As you might have guessed, by the next morning all 5 of us were in the King size bed, which felt more like a twin at that point! Dalton got up and took the boys to breakfast while I hung out with a sleeping Tucker. Then I got dressed and we all went back down so I could eat. Mid-breakfast Dalton ditched me to go shoot skeet with Dad, Garrett and a couple of Amy's family members. I say ditched because this weekend went from a girls' weekend with few kids to me watching all three boys alone at a hotel while Dalton went out and had a good ol' time with the guys. Finally I got over my irritation and Mom and I took the kids to the river. Looking back I'm glad he got to go and have fun with the guys, something he doesn't get to do much up here.


 Looking for minnows and splashing around. Ace preferred to be belly down most of the time.


Tucker even splashed around a bit. 

 These boys are something else. I'll be glad when Tucker is big enough to stand on his own so that he doesn't always look like the blob that covers his brothers! And he always has that funny look on his face. 

     They splashed, looked, walked and flopped around for a while. Cooper said he was ready to rent a tube but we told him we didn't have enough adults for that. Maybe next year. Then we got a bite to eat and took it back to the hotel to eat. After that we debated whether or not to try to get them to nap. We'd just settled in, ready to watch Frozen on the laptop when the guys arrived.
     We debated about our next move then took action. Naps would be in the car that day so we changed and loaded up once more. I needed some jeans and this would be our only chance so we headed to the outlet mall so I could shop at the Gap. I think it took us longer to get to the store than it did for me to find jeans. It was so crowded, stop and go traffic and people everywhere! I jumped out (all boys were sleeping at this time) and did my shopping. As I was checking out I got a text from Dalton that Tucker was awake. Hmmm. I paid, weaved through the mob and hopped into the car. From there we went to the Mercer ranch and spent the evening with Amy's family.


    They were sweet and bought the boys a pool to play in, as well as some games. This was a big help for me….I didn't have to constantly follow them and tell them no! Then we took a ride to look at the ranch on a Kubota?Ranger? something of that sort. I took Tucker hoping he'd fall asleep, and he did. So we sweated and he slept.

Enjoying the pool that they had for the boys. And a very tired crew!

     Finally we went and looked at some land that Garrett just bought. It was very nice and it will be a great place to build a house. By the time we got back to the hotel we were all very tired.

 Papa and the boys snuck up on some deer and GG entertained Tucker. 
 Happy couple and proud land owners.

Checking out the boundaries and pretend land owners, hehe.  

Tucker stared at Garrett's beard a while before he touched it. 

     The next morning we got up, dressed, packed and had breakfast with Mom, Dad and Garrett. Then we said our goodbyes and headed to the Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch to drive through the safari park. It was great fun and the boys wanted to go back through again (but we didn't). We saw lots of animals, fed them by hand, petted a goat (which was Ace's first encounter since the goat at the play day gave him a black eye), had lunch and bought a souvenir.

 The animals were very friendly! 

 That zebra has almost as big of a mouth as I do. 
Tucker doesn't look too impressed with this animal.

These were our favorites: the Kudu.

Our tour guide. He identified each animal from our booklet and read us the facts. 

 Cooper got a better view hanging out the window. We enjoyed the zebras a lot too.


We fed the fish, Ace picked a basketball and Cooper picked a hat for souvenirs. 
Then we took the classic picture in front of the entrance. 

      The ride home was ok. We made it a good bit with napping kids, then had to entertain the rest of the way….Tucker was the main one awake (and the hardest to entertain). We stopped in Stephenville to go to the bathroom and go to Walmart. I had to buy Dalton's birthday present and hide it in the car. Then we pushed on to Mineral Wells where we stopped for gas and supper. From there it was rough. My patience was gone, Dalton didn't help by not taking a turn entertaining and yet not understanding why I was a little snappy, and Tucker was almost inconsolable for a bit. But WE MADE IT! And we were very glad to be home.
     It was good to have a getaway and mini-vacation but it was also great to be reminded why home is so nice!

"Like a bird that strays from its nest is a man who strays from his home." Proverbs 27:8 (that's how we felt by the end of the ride home)

"How many are your works, O Lord! In wisdom you made them all; the earth is full of your creatures." Psalm 104:24

"Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good. His love endures forever….and who gives food to every creature. His love endures forever." Psalm 136:1,25