Monday, September 1, 2014

A look back at Pearson's visit

    So it's been a couple of months since Pearson came to stay but I couldn't let the visit go un-recorded. We had much fun while he was here! Besides all of the riding we did (which you saw on the horsing around blog), we also swam, bowled, had lots of nerf gun wars, and hung out here at the house.

 Riding his pal CJ with his pal Cooper

The little boys entertained themselves with the stroller and grass.

 We went swimming at the Country Club one evening. They showed off their best tricks.

Group shot! 

Of course there was work involved too. They cut corn stalks to feed to the goats. 

But they were rewarded with a trip to the library and Pizza!

Plenty of play day practice and it paid off when Pearson won third in the goat tying.

Tucker could have one first if there was an event called cat chasing. 

More work hauling off pieces of broken cement. They were good workers (as long as the manager was watching them ;) And afterwards we went bowling.

Then Friday Rachel, Parker, Paige and Grandma Theo came in to watch the play day.  
One last evening of practice.

The big event! He did so well and we were excited for him. 


 Next summer he'll have to come back for all of the play days in the series. 


 The cheering section!

    Great visit. Not only was it nice to have an older child around to help with the boys, but having that kid be Pearson was even better. 

"Let the peoples praise you, O God; let all the peoples praise you!" Psalm 67:3-5

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