Sunday, September 14, 2014

Happy Birthday!

    August is a busy time for us here, with many birthdays, including mine and Dalton's. This year we enjoyed time with family for both of our special days. Here are a few snapshots of the celebrations.

We celebrated with the Pitcocks at Vitoni's, what a nice birthday lunch.
The best part about year 30….having Tucker join the family.

 Greeted with a birthday donut on my birthday. 

Doing some chainsaw work that afternoon. 

Yay for birthday cake!! I also got a couple new shirts, a candle and my hair done. 
 It was a sweet relaxing day.

    For Dalton's birthday we had his parents and Nana over. We had to pick up his gift on our way back from Garrett's and while we were shopping Cooper picked out a little pinata he wanted to get for the party. I told him not to tell Daddy and when he asked we'd say no. So all the way home he kept saying, "We didn't get a pinata for Dad did we?" And then he'd wink at me the best he could. About a minute later he'd ask, in a worried voice, "But we really did get him one right?" I would tell him of course not and hope he'd forget about it. He didn't. This went on the whole ride from Stephenville to Graham. It was pretty funny.

Party time! And my little helper in the kitchen while I was making the cake. 
Dalton requested a store bought chocolate cake mix. I was a little offended since the past couple of years I've gone out of my way to make him special homemade cakes and he is happier with a cake mix. But at least he's easy to please! 

Lighting the candles with helpers. 

Happy Birthday to you…they all blew them out together. 

A fire pit to use for camping or entertaining in the yard. 

Pinata time! It was a little dangerous on the porch and 
we had to make due without a proper pinata stick.

 After we divided up the candy Nana had the wonderful idea of calming the two rowdy kids by reading to them. She drew a crowd and before long she'd lulled all of them into a nice calm state of mind. 

Happy family on a Happy Birthday

"The Lord is my light and my salvation--whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life--of whom shall I be afraid?.. One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple" Psalm 27:1, 4

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