Monday, September 15, 2014

Play dates from the Summer

    I love having people over. Always have, probably always will. I like big groups especially, and parties. This summer I had a few play dates for mommies and kiddos so that I could enjoy some talk with other adults and my kids could play with other kids (and let's be real here - so I could fill a few hours before nap time!).
    Even though it's mid-September and school has started I wanted to include a few shots of our fun times with friends. This way we can look back and remark about how cute and little they all were.

 This was a super fun play date. Only a few moms and kids came and they all got along wonderfully. 
Of course I wonder if these pictures are foretelling the future? Ace driving away with the pretty girl while Cooper runs after them!! We shall see. 

Picnic lunches are the best! 

This play date had a locust shell hunt involved. They found a lot of shells! 

This was my back to school play date. I had crayons for a favor, ABC cookies and we had lunch and ice cream pops for dessert. It was so so fun, with 8 moms and 18 kids it was busy busy!! 

Visiting while they ate lunch. 
I also set up an obstacle course when they started getting bored and it was a big hit!! 

    I'm sure this fall we'll have more fun with friends and family. I'm so thankful that God blessed us with a big yard and place that is perfectly set up for fellowship! 

"Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another--and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Hebrews 10:25

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