Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Ace is Three


    I can't believe our Ace-miester is already 3! We didn't have a big shindig this year, but he was celebrated! The morning of his birthday he trekked around with Daddy while we made a quick trip to Wichita Falls to get a few birthday things. It turned out to be a special morning for the little guy….he got to have a donut and Dr. Pepper.

 Say Cheese Birthday boy!!

    That evening we had a surprise guest show up before the party……GG!! This was totally unexpected but very excited. The kids went crazy when they answered the door. Shortly after, the other party guests arrived….Mere Mere and Popsey, Nana, Uncle Charles and Aunt Ellen, and a few of the Heartfields. 
Mere Mere and Graham, Mary, Nana, Aunt Ellen and Mia, GG and I (with Tucker eyeing the cake)
Ace was excited to see everyone there to celebrate him.

    Ace had picked spaghetti for his birthday meal, so we enjoyed supper and great weather together. When it was time to blow out the candles the wind didn't cooperate very well, but we got the job done. Ace really like his tractor cake, courtesy of Mere Mere and Popsey. 

The candles are blown out….it's official! 

   Present time followed and he got lots of good stuff. Topping the list were a microphone, drum set and big blocks. Before everyone left, the boys put on a concert using the new microphone and drum set. It was so so very sweet. They sang Bless the Lord (10,000 Reasons), Come Thou Fount, Noah, and others. The sweetest part was when Ace and Dalton sang Come Thou Fount together. My heart melted and my mind captured that sweet memory. 

Ready to sing to the audience

Cooper and Dalton doing a Come Thou Fount duet and the boys jamming in the living room.

    Finally it was time for everyone to leave and the birthday boy to get to bed. What a wonderful birthday for our challenging, cuddly, sweet and defiant little boy Ace. He's a handful all of time, but also a blessing that we thank God for daily. 
     We were excited to have GG stay for a few days after Ace's birthday. She took Cooper to school and picked him up, which he loved of course. And we all played outside a lot, enjoying the spring weather. She even helped me rearrange the boys' and my bedroom. Funny how moving things around can be so refreshing. We were sad to see her leave but happy that we would be there for Easter in a couple weeks. 

Practicing throwing into the holes. Tucker tried really hard to hit the ball. 

Treehouse time!!

Pizza night! And then Dalt and I got to go to the movies. 

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139:14

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