Wednesday, April 15, 2015


     It seems that I accumulate a lot of pictures that have to do with cows, horses and ranching. I guess that's a good thing since we do ranch for a living. Here's a post with some snapshots of cattle related activities.

First calf of the season! We really enjoyed the calving season and were sad when all the heifers had their calves and there was nothing to find in the mornings. 

Cowboy Cooper decided he wanted to ride and drive the heifers to the other pasture…..the rest of us opted to follow him in the truck. Proud of him for wanting to ride bad enough to be cold. 

Getting his orders and riding beside us.

 We stayed nice and warm!

These boys are all about helping Dad, especially when it involves poking cattle with a stick. Boys. This one didn't stand a chance of backing out, he was going whether he liked it or not, and got prodded the entire way.

Dalton was working and the kids wanted to ride so, after we brushed the horses, I saddled one up and let them ride. Ace was excited to ride by himself for the first time. 

 We had a bottle calf from Popsey…named him Valentine since we got him on Valentine's. He was big fun and the boys enjoyed helping. Cooper and Tucker really like to feed him. Tucker would grab the bottle, let him suck a little, then hand it back to me. Then he'd repeat the process. (This was after he got over the fact that someone else was getting a bottle and he wasn't….you can see his concern in the above picture.) 

 We also had a set of twin calves!! They were so cute. Dalton just bought some new heifers. I really hope we can keep this one because I'm ready to have a little more color in the herd. ; ) 

Tucker likes sitting on the horse, and doesn't want to get down once he's up there! He also never missed an opportunity to pet Val.  

 These are some old pictures but never got around to putting them in the blog. We did our yearly trip to the Ft Worth Stock Show and Rodeo with Mere Mere and Popsey (and Merann and Jud). It was fun and the kids enjoyed the rodeo. Of course, that was after we finally pulled them off the equipment that was on display. 

Tucker enjoying a funnel cake, family photo and Mere Mere with Tucker. 

 The Graham rodeo was a few weeks ago and we attended that one as well. The boys were more interested in running around than watching, but they enjoyed the clown's show. And it was fun to go with friends, The Weavers. The boys also did the nickel toss and gathered up some change from the arena floor. 
 We helped out working the calves here at the house. Cooper enjoyed helping Dad hold down a calf, and I got brave and held a leg while they worked a couple too. 

     There you have it. Short, sweet and full of pictures. I'm sure there are stories to go with all of these events but when you wait this long to post, you're lucky to get pictures on here! 

"Better a little with the fear of the Lord, than great wealth with turmoil. Better a meal of vegetables where there is love than a fattened calf with hatred." Proverbs 15:16-17

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