Friday, April 10, 2015

City Visits

      I'm going to stop saying how late I am on each blog, because I think I'll always be late. So here's a few snapshots from 2 trips we took to the big city last month. One was to visit Mere Mere in the hospital when she had back surgery (she's doing very well and on the road to recovery).
     We don't usually travel to Dallas. Ft Worth is about as far as we make it, but we ventured on to the hospital. We had a good visit with Mere Mere and Popsey and then took the kids to a local aquarium before we headed home. We got there about 10 minutes before they closed, so while Dalton parked the car, Cooper, Ace and I ran to the aquarium and paid our way in. The boys were able to pet an urchin, lobster and hermit crabs. We also saw lots of fish, some big sharks, creepy eels and stingrays. We were too late to feed the sting rays but we had the opportunity to pet them. I was the only one brave enough to pet them and it was fun!

      After the aquarium we started home, stopping in Grapevine to eat supper at Olive Garden. The kids behaved so well and supper was yummy. Then Ace said his tummy hurt so I took him to the potty. He did his business and we headed back to the table. A few more bites and he said it hurt again. This time it was Daddy's turn and he took him. Quite a bit later they returned and Dalt informed me that they didn't quite make it to the bathroom before Ace threw up everywhere……in the very crowded waiting area. Sooo glad it wasn't me that took him that time!!! Needless to say, we hurried out of there and headed home, hoping there wasn't a relapse. And thankfully we made it home with no more incidents.

     Trip 2 was the next weekend to have a brief visit with Uncle Justin, who was flying his Osprey cross country. We got to Ft Worth early, ran a couple of errands and then visited with Asher and Alissa before heading out to the airport. Ace loved Asher and clung to him the whole time.

     We only got to visit briefly but it was good to say hello and we also got to see the helicopter. The boys couldn't stay inside long because they wanted to push too many buttons.

     Then we traveled back home, having our fill of the city for a while, and we've been enjoying our country life since. Pretty soon we'll have to make another visit to Dallas though, to see Merann and Jud's new house.

"He lays the beams of his chambers on the waters; he makes the clouds his chariot; he rides on the wings of the wind; he makes his messengers winds, his ministers a flaming fire." Psalm 104:3-4

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