Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Decorating the Tree

     This weekend was a busy one for us, and really got us into the holiday spirit. Well, I was already in the spirit, but it got Dalton in the mood for Christmas songs and pretty lights. Saturday night we picked up a tree. It was a pretty easy process, and since it was wrapped when we bought it, a gift of sorts to see what it looked like when we got home. Then Sunday we had church, potluck and a family picture. We dressed in our Christmas duds and got Dalton's parents to take our picture at their house. They turned out pretty good. The hardest part was picking out which card I wanted to send out and which picture to put in it. Dalton was shocked that it took me so long..I told him he just doesn't understand. I did get the job done though, and now I have lots of cards to address and mail this week. Merry Christmas!!

One of the picture options that didn't make the card. Love that sweet Cooper!

     Back to the tree. We unwrapped it Sunday, ready to decorate it. The weather cooperated very nicely...it was cold and wintery, perfect for decorating a tree. The tree is pretty cute; not the fullest of trees, but just right for our little family. If you're wondering why we, living in the country, didn't go chop down a tree ourselves....well, we tried that once and wound up with a Charlie Brown tree. It looked really pretty in the woods, but once we got it back to the house, it was a bit lacking. Because Dalton went to all that trouble, it was our first Christmas together, and (most importantly) my parents told me I'd be mean to tell him to take it away, we did have the 'local' tree that year. Since then, however, Dalton has agreed to buy a tree, so here we are.

Daddy getting the tree ready to come inside

     We weren't sure how Cooper would do with the tree and ornaments, etc. but he has been great so far! He was curious about the tree at first, then wanted to help put the ornaments on. He did a pretty good job for his first time. He even got to help Daddy put the star on top. We're going on 3 days now and he hasn't messed with any ornaments at his level or above, so I think it's going to be a good season.

 Cooper putting on his first ornament

 My turn to help out

 Putting the star on top

Practicing at Mere Mere and Popsey's
    I let him help me put presents under the tree too, and he enjoyed that. Every once in a while he'll grab one and carry it somewhere else in the house, but he's good about taking it back when I ask him to. He might not be so helpful if he knew that inside that paper are toys and goodies, but for now it's just a pretty mystery.

     Not forgetting the true meaning of Christmas, we also have a cute little Nativity scene that my mom got Cooper. It's Fisher Price toy brand, so he can play with the scene all season. What a great way to talk to him about what Christmas is all about, and the pieces are so cute too!

     Almost forgot...the next morning we awoke to this scene; our own little Winter Wonderland!

 Dandy cleaning up every bit of feed


"In those days Caesar Augustus issued a decree that a census should be taken of the entire Roman world...So Joseph also went up from the town of Nazareth in Galilee to Judea, to Bethlehem the town of David, because he belonged to the house and line of David. He went there to register with Mary, who was pledged to be married to him and was expecting a child." Luke 2:1 &4-5

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