Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Christmas Crafts

      I've never considered myself the crafty type. I can't draw, have no sewing ability, and creative ideas don't come to me easily. However, now that I'm a full time homemaker I thought that I should try to do something home made for gifts this year. I decided to make hot chocolate mix in a jar, and cake balls. I looked up the recipe and gathered my materials. The mix was really easy to make and quite tasty. I had a couple of jars left over so I made a cookie in a jar. Those turned out festive too.
    For the hot chocolate mix and cookie in a jar I kept it simple and just tied a ribbon around the jar with a bell. Then I added a tag with a Bible verse that seemed appropriate. This idea came from a friend of mine. In the end they turned out really cute and gave me hope for my future crafts.

     I was more comfortable with the cake balls. I love baking and had made these before, so it was just a matter of getting it done and making the presentation pretty. I make red velvet and spice cake balls; Nutter Butter and Oreo mint cookie balls; and cookie dough truffles. For the dipping portion (which is my least favorite part) I tried a new idea and it made the dipping so much easier. I froze the balls for a few minutes first and used a plastic fork without the middle tines to dip.
     Hobby Lobby had some really cute boxes - 50% off which made them even cuter -- that I used to package the balls. I put them in small cupcake wrappers to add to the 'box of chocolates' look.

    Of course Cooper had to help with the dipping part. He enjoyed dipping some marshmallows and licking the chocolate off of the spoon! Overall I was very pleased and think I might try some more crafty ideas next year..as long as they're simple.

 "Taste and see that the Lord is good." Proverbs 34:8

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