Thursday, December 8, 2011

Snow Crunching, Starchspray and Chasing Coons

     After a couple of frigid days, Cooper and I decided to brave the elements and investigate the snow situation. By this point it was starting to melt, so I felt like Cooper could play in it without getting miserably cold. So we headed outside, all bundled up, and I let him crunch around.

     He really liked crunching in the snow and feeling it under his feet. He ran around the yard doing that for a while, and then started to try and pick it up with his mitten-covered hands. He had a good time and it was nice to get some fresh air and sunshine after the dreary past couple of days. He never complained or whined...even though I found his boots soaked through when I took them off. Fun little snow adventure.

    Onto the next title portion. I just had to include this little funny airhead moment I had the other day. Let me preface this with the fact that we are out of extra space in our house, so I'm constantly moving things around and cramming more into cabinets and other empty spaces, to keep the house from becoming too cluttered. With that said, one of the things I crammed into a space it didn't belong was our starch for ironing. I had to move the iron out of the laundry room and needed a place to put the starch that was out of Cooper's reach. "Ah ha" I thought, my bathroom cabinet; where I have all sorts of hair and body products. You may already see where this is going...So the other morning I was getting ready, working on my hair. It's pretty curly/frizzy so I straighten it to help it look tame. I usually spray a section with hairspray, use the flat iron, let more down, repeat. So as I was completing this process I noticed that the hairspray was more goupy and it seemed that my iron wasn't working as well. Just the weather I thought and continued on. Halfway through my hair I looked at the 'hairspray' I was using and discovered that, in fact, I'd been spraying starch on my hair. I laughed at myself because I'd been telling myself I was going to do that since I'd moved the starch, then evaluated. For the record, it works sorta ok, just not as good as hairspray.
   Moral of the story...don't store your starch next to your hairspray!

     Finally to the coon story. This one I wish I had pictures of. Since our chicken massacre this summer (we lost all of our chickens in two night attacks), Dalton has been trapping varmints, mainly raccoons, in a live trap and then hauling them off to never never land (as in never will it kill a chicken again). Normally I would feel sorry for the little (or big) guys, but after the massacre my view of raccoons has changed and I no longer want to catch and befriend them (unless they are babies). So, one morning Dalton caught a coon and decided to vanquish it right here at the house, instead of taking it elsewhere. I didn't want to watch, but found myself at the side door window watching. Good thing I did. Dalton opened the door and waited for the coon to run away. He did run, but not where Dalton wanted him to. He took off, promptly veered left and headed straight back towards the house. I was laughing at this point watching my husband chase around a coon with his pistol, trying to shoot it. So he chased it into the yard, under the vehicles, and then around to the front porch. Sadly for the coon (after watching I was kinda rooting for him to get away) he cornered himself and did not escape. But boy was the chase exciting to watch.

     In case you were tempted to feel sorry for the coon, look at the joy a coon took from us when they killed Cooper's buddy, Miss Emily, just one of the victims. No, she isn't a swimming chicken. She just got overheated this summer and we put her in the pool to cool her off. That's when Cooper decided to join her. It was pretty funny!

    I know what you're thinking. This was a pointless post. And you are right, but in the scheme of things I thought including funny moments in my 'journal' would prove handy one day. Luckily I don't have a following that will disapprove. : )

"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thess 5:16-18

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