Monday, December 12, 2011

Ho Ho Ho, busy weekend highlights

     This past weekend was full of fun activities to celebrate Christmas. My Bible studies ended at the beginning of the week so Cooper and I had nothing much to do. This is fine when it's warm outside, but with a snowy beginning to the week, and a chilly end, we were getting pretty bored at the house. Friday morning we got out and went with Dalton to Carter Bend to feed. It was chilly but good to get out and about. Cooper and I raced around on the cold ground while Dalton fed, then Dalton talked me into shooting the pistol (22 - no biggie). I'm not a big fan of using guns. I don't mind other people doing it, but for me, not so much. So, this was a good step forward for me. I didn't hit the target (a can) but did get really close. Maybe next time. I guess I should attempt to get more comfortable with guns since I'll have at least 2 boys who'll probably want to use them. I'll work on that.

     After that trip, I was hanging out at the house looking through a Bealls' sale catalog and realized that the good deals that I wanted to take advantage of ended that night. "Oh no! Can't miss a good sale," I thought to myself, immediately followed by "we could all go in and shop then go out to eat." My mind is never far from my stomach, unfortunately. In my defense though, we hadn't been to town in a few days and I was a little stir crazy. So I called Dalton to inform him of the dilemma fully expecting him to say no to a Friday night trip to town. To my happy surprise he sounded like that wasn't a bad plan. It may have been the way I talked up the great deals that we would much money we'd save going in that night (really, they were good sales). So Cooper and I were waiting by the door when he got home and we all headed in.

     The shopping stop was priority, so we did that first. Sad to say...we were that family with the kid running around the store. Dalton had carried him in and I immediately went searching for my items, without reminding him not to let him down. I learned the hard way (and from advice from my mommy) that once you let them down, there's no picking them back up. The next thing I knew a little person flashed by my leg and into a clothes rack. Fortunately I have the best husband ever who dutifully followed and corralled Cooper while I shopped. (I found most of my items and feel pretty good about my choices.) Finally, it was payout time. Cooper had a dirty diaper by this time (shoo wheeee), was squirming in Dalt's arms, so it was a "just in time" finish.

     After the shopping, we headed to Neri's to eat. Dalton had remembered having a supposedly amazing pumpkin delight dessert there last year so we decided to try it out. It's on the square, so that made it more fun to go and eat..more ambiance if you will. Cooper behaved himself for the most part, and the food was good, so it was a success. Oh, and that pumpkin delight....I'm thinking of ordering a pan of it weekly b/c it was so good...Dalton was right!

   Happy Family on the hayride. Disregard my enormous-looking hands..
the gloves are playing tricks on the eyes.

     The next evening was the Echols' Christmas party. They do it every year and it's lots of fun...especially because it's about 1 minute from our house. Usually any fun activities require a minimum of 30 minutes to get to. They had a bounce house, which Cooper cautiously enjoyed, a hayride that Cooper was surprisingly still during (he stared at the tractor and would have preferred to ride in the tractor...he loves tractors), and a visit from Santa in the church. Cooper isn't a big fan of sitting still during quiet occasions and he was getting a little antsy sitting in the church while we sang Christmas songs, so he escaped and wondered to the front of the church. He was happily watching us all sing and contemplating grabbing ornaments off the tree when (dum dum dum) in walked Santa. If you remember, Cooper is not a fan after sitting on his lap a couple of weeks ago, so we he spotted Santa, he quickly made a beeline back to his seat with us. It was pretty comical. Overall it was a great party.

     Mere Mere and Popsey were there, which made it even more fun. It's nice to celebrate with them...and let's be honest...extra hands to help with Cooper the Curious are always appreciated. They came back to the house and visited for a little while afterwards. Cooper entertained them with some tricks until they left.

     Sunday we went to church with Mere Mere and Popsey for the annual Christmas Cantata. They had a  mini-orchestra, and sang lots of wonderful Christmas songs to celebrate the reason for the season..Christ. The music was so beautiful, and as I listened I teared up a little....not because of the beautiful music here.. but just thinking about how amazing it's going to be in Heaven listening to true angels sing praises to the King, and angelic musicians play for Him. When you stop to think that the most beautiful things you hear and see here on earth are only fractions of what they will be in Heaven it really helps you to focus on where our heart, minds and thoughts should Heaven with our King and Savior. I can't wait!!
     What a great weekend. And this week we have nothing going on until Thursday, when I am going Christmas shopping. My goal is to not travel to town until then. Wish me luck!! I think I see some baking in my near future....

     "Then I looked and heard the voice of many angels, numbering thousands upon thousands, and ten thousand times ten thousand. They encircled the throne and the living creatures and the elders. In a loud voice they sang: Worthy is the Lamb who was slain, to receive power and wealth and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and praise!" Rev. 5:11-12

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