Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Park

     Today I had a Dr. appt; baby checkup; and since Cooper had to go with me I told him that we could go to the park afterward. This was the first Dr. visit that Cooper attended with me and he did GREAT. He was so quiet and hung close - not his usual behavior. He wasn't too sure about things when the nurse listened to the heartbeat, but he managed ok.

     It was so cute...when the Dr. tried to listen to little guy's heartbeat the baby kept kicking at her and moving away. She would get the heartbeat on the doppler and then he would kick and move. He did this several times, and we all got a kick out of it (pun intended). She said that I had a gymnast or soccer player in there. I did measure small as far as 'belly' size goes. I'm supposed to be 24 cm but was only 22. She didn't like it but said it was still in the normal range. That's my luck you womb is small but if she would have measured my hips they would have declared me ready to deliver today. I thought your hips and thighs were supposed to expand more with a girl, not a boy?

     On to the park. After the appointment we headed to Normandy park for a little exercise time for Cooper. It's a cute little park in a sweet neighborhood and has just enough things Cooper's size. He loves going down the slides..but bigger is better for him, which makes me a little nervous. The slides were riding fast today, so I had to catch him at the bottom before he bounced away. He loved it and just smiled and squealed each time.

                                                              Ready Mom!

                                                 Wheeeee!! He may be airborne here

     He also tried out the little spring animals. He rode them well and didn't get bucked off. Practicing for when it's riding time at home.

     They also have a little 'fire engine' area with steering wheels. If you didn't know, Cooper loves steering wheels and will play with them for a while. So when he got to those he spun them and spun them.

     I made the mistake of introducing him to the Seesaw. I say the mistake because that turned out to be his new favorite piece of playground equipment. He loved holding on and going up and down. The problem is that his weight is not quite enough to push me down so I had to push down and up all by myself. It's like doing weighted squats over and over...not what I was in the mood for. I toughed it out for a little while and then enticed him away with another slide ride.

                                                The joy is all over his face.

     Overall we had a great time at the park. Since we live out 'in the country' we don't get to go to the park very often, so it's a real treat. I get tempted to complain about that fact; not being able to go to the park whenever we want; but then I think of what a blessing it is to live out here where we can take nature walks and play with the horses and ride around with Daddy feeding cows. Overall, I think I have the better deal. Besides, if we lived in town I'd probably still not make it to the park that often. On that note I'll include a scripture from Philippians, the book I'm currently studying. So great how God puts it all together for us.

"Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God, without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe" Phil 2:14-15

    Gotta run. We are going to the Christmas Stroll tonight in downtown Graham. Cooper gets to have his picture taken with Santa...I'm thinking there might be crying involved. Until next time.

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