Tuesday, June 5, 2012

1st Swim in the new Pool

     Cooper got a pool from Nana and Paw for his birthday. Yesterday we filled it up and Cooper tried it out. It was a big hit! He did a lot more splashing and getting in and out than 'swimming' but that's the fun of a backyard pool, right!

     Gus really wanted to get in with Cooper, but I didn't let him. Maybe later in the summer he can join in the fun. Instead he watched from a distance.

     Ace fell asleep while I got it all ready, so he had a nice little nap while I watched Cooper play.

     I caught Cooper with his face in the water a couple of times, and almost panicked but then realized he was getting a mouthful of water. After getting the water in his mouth he would get out of the pool and go spit it out. Boys!

     As I watched Cooper play in the pool while holding sleepy little Ace and listening to Christian music praising Jesus I felt this overwhelming sense of contentment and happiness. What a blessing it is to be able to sit and watch my child playing, knowing that I have a healthy family, a nice house, plenty of food and no real needs that aren't met. On top of that, and most importantly, I have God's love, Jesus's grace and the Holy Spirit's guidance in life. And this is why I sleep so well at night...well, when Ace isn't ready to eat and Cooper isn't coming in to snuggle.

     Of course later than evening when Ace was screaming and Cooper was sitting beside me going "ahhh ahhh aaahhh choo" over and over the relaxed happiness could not be found. But a God-given contentment was still there, along with a prayer for patience.  Did I mention that God is good?

"But my God shall supply all your needs according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19

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