Monday, June 11, 2012

Guerilla Warfare

     Lately I feel like I've not been able to keep up around here. It could have something to do with having a very active 2 year old running around and getting into anything and everything that he possibly can. Or maybe it is a result of having an almost 3 month old who spits up 24 hours a day and requires constant attention. Then again it could be related to the fact that I have given up caffeine because it makes Ace restless and fidgety.

Happy Boy!!

     In any case, these past couple of weeks have been a constant state of trying to keep things picked up and clean..unsuccessfully. You know you're in trouble when your husband is picking up around the house on a Sunday afternoon just so he can find a place to sit and relax.
    So I've declared war on my house and chores, as of last week. Not the kind of war that charges ahead and doesn't stop until the house and kids are spotless, dinner is ready and I'm waiting in a cute dress and pearls at the end of the day. No, no my friends. This is guerilla warfare...the down and dirty kind.
     I'm usually awakened each day by Cooper asking for milk or Ace asking for milk (two different sources though, don't worry). Then it's up and at 'em. The next hour is a blur as I stumble around trying to get diapers changed, me changed and some breakfast for all three of us. Then I usually survey the damage and try to figure out where to start. From there it's a gamble as to what gets done.
    So, last week I went back to my best tactic...a to do list on public display. For some reason I respond well to public humiliation as a motivator, so if I publish my to do list for Dalton to see, he can help me keep going. Also, nothing thrills me more than marking something off of my list. I'm a total nerd about it, and I sometimes add things to the list that I've done that weren't on there before, just so I can mark them off. I know...weirdo!
     With list posted, I then start my guerilla warfare cleaning. I don't think I've ever fully finished a task in one attempt since Ace was born, but that's ok. I attack, stop to tend to kids, attack, stop to turn Dora on, attack, stop to turn Dora off because I do have a limit to TV watching, attack, stop for a snack get the picture. For the most part things are functioning well. My biggest problem has been laundry. I enjoy laundry (no, seriously...much better than mopping) but when you have a spitter like I do, it multiplies the laundry by 2 or 3. I can usually get the clothes washed but then make the mistake of piling them up to fold them when the boys are sleeping. In my mind I picture both boys asleep while I fold laundry and watch some TV. Reality...I fold about 1/3 before something happens and so there is still a pile when Dalton gets home.
     Today though I got smart and folded it before nap time. So when Dalton came home for lunch he found a clean house and empty couch to sit on. Success! No more waiting to fold...seize the pile. Also made a note to self...once 2 o'clock hits, no real work gets done. Then it's just keeping up with the evening activities.
     Another issue is toys...we are blessed to have plenty of things for the kids to play with, but once they are all strewn around the house it creates a cluttered mess. And now Cooper seems to be entering a ...get everything out, throw it all around and then walk away..phase. We're working on re-learning clean up tips. Today I put some toys away to hide for a while; that way they are new again when I need something to entertain the munchkins.

He's going through a 'no smiling at the camera' phase

     Then there's the spitting. We've tried one kind of medicine with no success and are now moving on to round two. If this doesn't work it means I'm stuck with a waterfall of a baby. At least he's happy most of the time. It just means that I have a new perfume, and having a constantly wet shoulder is becoming normal. It's pretty sad but I've quit changing shirts after every attack...what's the point right? (Ok, that may have been too much information). Just make sure when you see me to hug me with your face to my right shoulder...just in case.
     All in all though, it's still a  pretty great job, being a mother. Most of the time when I'm sitting among piles of clothes and toys it's because I've spent the time cooing and kissing Ace or tickling and watching Cooper...I'm sure I won't regret these choices later. They are two special boys and I love them lots and lots and more every day!

"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

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