Friday, June 15, 2012


     We had a hit and run in front of our house the other night...and we lost precious Little Girl. Luckily I didn't have to see her, Dalton found her that morning as he was leaving. He didn't tell me until lunch and the conversation went something like this (he has to be careful when giving me bad animal news..I take it kinda hard).

Me - "What are we going to do with Ursula's kittens? We have too many. By the way I haven't seen Little Girl all morning; maybe she's taking care of her kittens." (She'd had 5 about 4 weeks earlier)

Dalton (with eyes downcast and a serious look on his face) - "I have something to tell you......I saw Little Girl this morning."

Long pause..I'm starting to get the picture now.

Dalton - "She was on the road."

Me - "Oh, no, not Little Girl! She was Cooper's best friend. Why was she on the road in the first place??"

     Then I cried. Pathetic I know, but you are talking about  a girl who cries over most every lost pet. I think there is even a home video of me presiding over a frog funeral...I give quite a eulogy.

    After shedding a few tears, it dawned on me that she probably had kittens still hid away somewhere and I immediately went into rescue mode. We got a flashlight and headed to the shed by the house. We looked under it. No kittens. But I could hear them. Then we tried the water pump We found 5 lonely, hungry kittens!

They didn't pose well for their group shot

     We got them out, put them in a laundry basket with a towel and moved them to the front porch, where they now reside during the day. At night we put them in the shed for protection. They are hungry little guys. We feed them milk through a medicine syringe and are trying to get them to eat/drink from a bowl. No luck yet.

 Dalt is so excited to have more kittens

 "Feed me now!"

"I'm coming to the milk if the milk won't come to me."

 Look at the cute little kitten...

 "Mom, he's getting a little too close for comfort!"

 "Get him off now!"

"I thought I was the baby of the house?"

    So, as if we needed another helpless creature to take care of at this place, we now have 5. Let's recap our inventory of needy things. One 3 month old, a 2 y/o in the throws of terrible 2s, a huge puppy and helpless chickens that beg to be eaten by whatever comes along if they aren't corralled up and penned at the end of every day; oh and a garden that has to be picked frequently to avoid squash the size of Cooper.

    Fun times! Needless to say we haven't been watching much TV lately; that's a plus.

"I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." Philipians 4:11

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