Monday, June 25, 2012

Around the house in 80 pictures

    Ok, hopefully it won't be 80 pictures, but the title wouldn't have worked with any other number. Sometimes it's the little things around the house that are so fun and sweet and memorable and make the days a joy. So instead of blogging about a single event or topic I'm going to post a bunch of mis-matched pictures together with captions that tell it all.


 Growing into the walker (with a blanket stuffed in front)

 Cooper's blocking the view going in and out

 Making Father's Day cookies for Popsey

Loves wearing Daddy's boots and hat

 Daily job of scooping up you know what.. Cooper likes to help

Took him a while but he finally got a piece on his shovel

 He's throwing it over the fence (well, maybe through is more accurate)

Big boy in his Bumbo

 Ace's favorite way to travel 
(until I dried the sling which may have caused it to shrink...
uh oh guess I'll have to lose some weight)

 Gus and Cooper swimming together. 
At first Gus put his nose in, then his paw and before long 
he was playing with Cooper. 
Gus likes to take the toys out of the pool. 
Then Cooper gets out and puts them back in. Fun Game

 Shelling peas with Daddy; he gets most of them in the bowl

 He's actually pretty good at it

 Ready to go to the lake in matching swimsuits. 
Notice Cooper's leg. He almost fell down trying to cross his feet like Daddy. 
He imitates everything..especially if his Daddy does it. Precious!

 Climbing up the boat ladder after swimming with Popsey

 Mere Mere and Cooper getting into deeper water (for Cooper anyway)

Kallie took this picture of suave Cooper 

 "Who are you looking at?" 

"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:33

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