Thursday, July 5, 2012

4th Festivities

     Yesterday was the 4th of July, but we've been celebrating America's independence for about a week already. Last weekend we headed to the lake to swim, boat, watch fireworks and visit with family.  

    I have a the past I haven't been much of a 'weekend at the lake' person, especially when it came to staying the night. I like boat rides and getting in the water for a little while, but I'm not that great with down time and relaxing with nothing to do but float and hang out (I'm the person that invites people over for dinner and has a game ready for entertainment after we eat), and when my house is 15 min away I've always thought 'why stay here when I can go home.'  What a fuddy-duddy attitude I know. Dalton, on the other hand, could live down there all summer if it was possible and it irritates him sometimes when I don't jump at the chance to spend the evening at the lake.  FYI, he did know that I lacked the lake gene when we married, but for some reason he married me anyway, and vice versa. (We're an example of opposites attracting at so many levels.)

    So this year I decided to give my all at the lake, because I wanted my husband and kids to have a good time.  And you know what happened? I had a GREAT time.  I'm officially growing to really like spending time at the lake...even night time. It makes such a difference when you have a really enthusiastic 2 year old that loves the lake (guess the gene made it to Cooper). Instead of having 'down time' to fill, my time was spent taking care of Ace and watching Cooper have a great time in the water. We'd already spent a couple of evenings at the lake, but last weekend we spent Friday afternoon/evening, all day Saturday and most of the day Sunday down there.

     Cooper loves swimming with Popsey and Mere Mere (and Dada), and Ace has done wonderfully. He's been so content to hang out on the dock while everyone swims (as long as someone is up there with him) and has only fussed when hungry or tired..what more can you ask for.

     Friday evening we went on a boat ride with Mere Mere and Popsey. It was Ace's first ride and he did great. He didn't complain about the lifejacket and he napped pretty much the whole time. Cooper loved it too, of course, and stayed at the front most of the time.

Cooper likes the boat 

 Pizza for dinner...yumm

     We spent the night Friday night and it went pretty well. It helped that we were all exhausted. We intended for Cooper to sleep in his own twin bed, but I was paranoid that he'd fall down the stairs so he slept with us. We also intended for Ace to sleep in the pack and play, but when he woke up to eat he wound up staying in bed with us too. So it was a family bed with all 4 of us snoozing away. I don't know what we'll do when we have a 3rd! (Don't worry Dalt, I'm not thinking of one anytime soon)

 Ready to tube

 Coop was excited to spend the 4th with Mere Mere and Auntie M

      Saturday we did a lot of swimming and Cooper and I rode on the tube behind the boat. We thought he'd really like it but he wasn't too sure..maybe next year. That afternoon we took another boat ride so the kids could nap. Worked like a charm.

 Good napping!

      Saturday night we watched fireworks on the dock. The lake house has great neighbors who spend lots of money on fireworks so we get to see a great show every year for free. Ace really liked the fireworks and watched them intently. Cooper would've liked them better if he hadn't been a zombie from swimming all day. He watched a little and then crashed. We were planning to stay the night, but the AC wasn't working properly so we headed home...can't handle the family bed with iffy AC!

 Cooper's first sparkler

 We had to be careful because there were 
several kids with sparklers in close range

Watching the fireworks

      This summer Cooper started out sliding off the back of the boat to get into the water. Then he progressed to letting Dalton run off the dock holding him. By the end of the weekend he was hanging off the rope swing and dropping in and jumping off the dock. I hope this progression doesn't continue at such a rapid pace...there's only so much you can do before getting dangerous!

 Little Fishy

Splash! He just dropped from the rope!

     We went back to the lake Monday evening and then spent most of yesterday afternoon down there too. Ace even stayed on the dock 3 hours! He did awesome. We splashed some water on his legs and arms to make sure he stayed comfortable and he liked it I think. Yesterday Cooper watched other kiddos jumping off the dock and rope and so he decided to jump off. Once he got started he just kept climbing out of the water, jumping off, and doing it again. He was one tired boy at the end of the day. The dock got pretty full as the afternoon went on...lots of kids and adults all enjoying the summer afternoon and refreshing water.

 Dalton pulling Cooper and Popsey on the tube

     That evening we ate dinner with a big group at the cabin and watched the kiddos play. Cooper was more alert and awake that evening, so when people started shooting fireworks around the cove he was super excited. He kept pointing and saying 'fireworks Mama!' Then he would say 'boom' and Mere Mere taught him to say 'Oooohhh Aaahhhh.' It was more entertaining watching him that the fireworks.

 Nana and Cooper 

 Ace keeping cool inside

The men visiting while burgers were cooking

    Finally we got both boys in bed and made it home today to rest. We're blessed to have the lake nearby to use and enjoy, and even more blessed to have family to enjoy it with. Next week we get to play in another water source, Mom and Dad's pool. I'm so excited to get to spend time with them.

"Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken." Psalm 62:5-6

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