Monday, July 30, 2012

Sweet Friends

     While we were visiting my parents we were able to go visit some of our friends in Tyler. This family  lived in Graham for a couple of years and we got to know them well while they were there. We met through mutual friends and found out that, not only were we both pregnant, but that we married on the exact same date.

     They are a sweet family and we hung out with them a lot while they lived here. Cooper and their son, Wyatt, are only a few months apart and were good friends. We were so sad when they moved!

 Last summer

Last week. They've grown up a lot in one year!

    So now, about a year later, we finally had the opportunity to go and visit. Unfortunately Cooper was a little under the weather (I felt so guilty, worried he might get their kids sick) and we debated whether we should go at all, but decided that we couldn't miss an opportunity to go visit, especially since Dalt had taken off that Friday to go.

      Despite Cooper's less than bright mood we had a great time! We visited at their house, which is super cute; Meredith is very creative and great at decorating. It took a little while for the boys to warm up to each other again but once they did they played great together. Ace and their little girl, Ella, got along pretty well too.

We stayed for a delicious homemade dinner and then all went for ice cream together. After that we headed home. What a great visit.

 Playing at our house over a year ago

Cooper wasn't looking his best!
 "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope." Romans 15:13

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