Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Going Home

     Love staying at Papa and GG's house!

     Last week I went to visit my parents. It's such a weird phenomenon for me to go there and stay for a while. As I sat in my old room one day during my visit I kept thinking "How can be so comfortable and at home here, and then go home and feel so comfortable and at home there?" I guess that is a blessing in itself, that I had the kind of home growing up that makes me want to go back. The only thing missing during our visit was Dalton, so it wasn't perfect. But, it was so nice! I'm posting some pictures from the week; enjoy!

 I couldn't resist matching outfits, even though they aren't twins. 

 Waiting at the restaurant. Eating out with kids is always like a ticking time bomb. You never know how long they'll last before they have an outburst. We were blessed to make it through the meal...though it helped to have two extra adults to entertain the boys.

 Love the pool! He's a little water bug.

 Caught a little crab

 Ace likes his swing.

Cooper was always ready to help Papa with chores as long as he knew he'd get to swim afterward. 

 Papa brought home a surprise for Cooper..a kite!

 First, he tried to throw it and let Cooper hold the string. 

 Then I helped and once it was up they manned the kite together. Papa kept telling Cooper to hold onto the string, but inevitably he let it go and Papa chased it a little ways before catching it again.

 Papa would fly the kite low enough for Cooper to chase it. 

Happy boy didn't get to fly any kites. But he did get to watch us make dinner.

 The Franks came over and I decided to make homemade pizza dough. At the same time Dad made salsa. It was quite a busy kitchen but it all turned out quite delicious. 

 Paige making Ace smile. 

 Cooper showing off his Elmo flashlight. He had to compete with Ace to get attention somehow!

 Ace got his feet wet on the steps.

 Smiling for the crowd. Notice the firstborn in the back watching carefully. 

 The kitchen after cooking, eating and swimming. It took me a while to clean up!

After a couple hours of swimming they were ready for some Bubble Guppies. 
Even Papa John watched with them. 

 We got to see Gma and PawPaw. What a joy!

 Grandpa came to visit too. He and Ace are checking each other out.

Ready for the ride home. Wish you could have seen a better view. 

     When Dalton came to pick us up he brought Gus Gus. We really like Gus Gus and he is a super sweet dog, but he was a bit destructive. I talked to Dalton several times while the boys and I were on 'vacation' and every time he told me about something else that Gus Gus had destroyed. So I finally agreed that we should see about finding him another home and Mom and Dad agreed to take him back. So, Dalton hauled him in the trailer to the house. He loves it there. Mom and Dad aren't so sure about him, but they agree he's sweet. Apparently he likes to get in the pool and sunbathe...uh oh. 
     Because he had a trailer (filled with hay on the ride home) we all had to ride in the truck back home. It's a Dodge cab and 1/2 and the backseat is pretty tight. Because I knew Ace would need some attention on the ride home I decided he should ride up front. Then, because Dalton had to shift gears, we had to put him in the passenger seat. So where did that leave me? Riding in the middle. 
     We looked like a couple of high school lovebirds cruising down the highway. (And I'm not the type to ride in the middle.) Especially because no one could see the carseat without looking really close. I have to admit though it was cozy. And really the trip went very smooth, thank the Lord. 

    Can't wait until we get to see Papa John and GG again. Although I'm ok with them visiting us next time around. 

"This is the refreshing." Isaiah 28:12

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