Friday, November 2, 2012

Boots Goes to Town

     Yesterday was play group. I was super excited because our former pastor's wife (not to be confused with our pastor's former wife) from out of state was going to be there with her kids. Because visit time is limited, I was determined to be on time. Aside from the fact that both boys were still a little sniffly things were going good. I had Cooper dressed, pumpkin scones made (new recipe I had to try for the girls..turned out pretty good), and Ace bathed and ready to go.

      Just as I was about to load Cooper I realized that he had wet his pants. Now normally I would have been a little frustrated but a deep sigh and quick change would have done the trick. Not yesterday. Between the desire to hurry and be on time and the irritation of yet another wet pair of pants I snapped, I'm embarrassed to say. I snatched him up, spoke to him very rudely and hurried to change his clothes. Then I loaded him up even denied him a toy that he wanted to take because I didn't want to go back in. I know, I'm so horrible! I have repented though and pray that God will use that to remind me of how I don't want to act when I'm tempted to.

     So we pulled out of the driveway on time, but with Cooper sad in the back and me mad in the front. Thankfully God knows how to diffuse a situation between two very stubborn individuals. As I'm stewing about the situation halfway into town and wondering what I'm going to do about my repeat wetter, I hear Cooper say something about Boots, and as I turn to listen I see a black furball jump up onto the console. I had to laugh because of the situation, and Cooper started to laugh too. Whew...thank you Lord for not allowing hurt and anger to continue on to the playdate. So we laughed, I let Boots in the front seat and then I reached back to squeeze Cooper's knee and tell him I loved him (had to include that so you don't think I'm totally mean).

       My heart melted a little and I quickly prayed for forgiveness and had, once again, a moment of shock at just how selfish and mean my heart can be when I leave it to myself instead of surrendering to the Holy Spirit daily. I can never let myself think I've got it under control, because just when I think I do, something like this happens. Thank goodness we serve a God who isn't like us. 

"Whoever is slow to anger has great understanding, but he who has a hasty temper exalts folly." Proverbs 14:29

"But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth. Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive."Colossians 3:8, 12-13

      Back to the furball on the console....since we were already halfway to town I decided not to turn around and go home. Instead we took Boots with us to the playdate. Imagine Val's surprise when we show up at her door with scones and a kitten. We put him in an upside down laundry basket with heavy pillows on top and went to play. He must have gotten pretty cagey because when I went out later to check on him, he'd pushed the basket off the edge of the porch and escaped.

     Now don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind getting rid of another cat, but Boots is the only one I want to keep, so I was kinda bummed. Not to worry though! About 20 min later Kelli spotted Boots in the tree next door...woo hoo! We called him down (he had found a lady friend up there) and put him in the yard. After the next 1/2 hour he might have gone back to the laundry basket if he could. The kids were constantly holding him and passing him around and possibly pulling him in multiple directions (I was inside). He did good scratching!

     When it was time to leave we were heading out the door with Cooper carrying Boots. A mom, who'd gotten there late, stopped me to let me know Cooper had a cat. I told her it was ours and we moved on. "Oh...." she replied. Not too often someone takes their cat to playdate....

     I needed to go by Walmart and decided to leave him in the car while we went in. It was only 65 degrees so I figured he'd survive. Besides, maybe having a living thing to get back to in the car would help me avoid the time warp that I usually enter once I go through the automatic doors of Wallyworld.
We made it out in good time (not record though) and Boots was doing ok. He was moving slow...but I think that was because of all the handling.

     Hunger pains had started in my belly and I wanted to get lunch before we headed home so I decided to drop Boots off at the in-laws, where Dalt could pick him up that evening. I didn't really want to be in an enclosed space with a cat and good smelling food....dangerous. When I pulled up to drop off pumpkins and a kitty, Jake the dog came around the corner and I thought twice about my plan. Still, I set Boots out of the car. He immediately went under the car and then I heard a couple bumps and weird noises...great, he hopped in the undercarriage! I guess he's not Boots the Brave. I abandoned my plan, called him, put him back in the car and headed to the eatery. By the time I got my food he was curled up in the front seat asleep. I wonder if the drive though person saw him and what her thoughts were......

     As soon as I got my burger and the smell wafted through the car Boots perked up and started sniffing. Both boys were sleeping, so we squared off and I gave him a 'Don't even think about it!' look. He paused and then attempted to come over. One good swat sent him back to his seat and he didn't come over again. He did watch me eating my burger though, with hungry eyes.

     When we got home, I woke all three passengers and unloaded them. Boots trotted off to his buddies...I'm sure to recount his eventful morning. I have a feeling he won't be hitching any more rides to town. I'm thinking this story would make a cute children's book, from Book's perspective....hmmm.


"Good sense makes one slow to anger, and it is His glory to overlook an offense." Proverbs 19:11

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