Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Happy Falloween!

     The Force was with us this fall season, and I was able to have the Fall party that I wanted. I'm not big on Halloween...if there's one holiday I am not so sure about celebrating it's the one that's characterized by the dark, scary and not so holy things. However, I do love the idea of dressing up and this holiday is about the only time to do that. So this fall we went all out and celebrating Fall and Halloween. It was great! We had so much fun at the party..and I think the guests did too. I think it's the first annual Pitcock Fall Party....here's the fun time in pictures.

The Lion and the Lobster..their expressions say it all : ) 

Nurse, Patient and their Indian friend

A chef and lumberjack came too

 The Flintstones were there...and tied for first for best costume

All the kids had fun playing in the yard

The chef caught my lobster but only to release him into the wild. 

 The homeless man...I mean lumberjack helped feed the lobster.

This is what I started with....

Tada...it magically turned into a fall dessert table!

Pumpkin Sugar Cookies

 We were also visited by toy royalty...Barbie and Ken! 
They brought a TCU player and Shirley Temple.

                                 Chicken Farmers                  

 Flo gave insurance quotes to those in need, including her expectant friend. : ) 

April and Raphael took a break from fighting crime to stop by. 
They tied for first in the costume contest.

 Pin the patch on the scarecrow was the first game....super fun!

 The nurse and chef fought over April's microphone

 Game number two...Pinata!!!

Our happy family...I'm going to go bigger and better for mine and Dalt's costumes next year; 
I was disappointed in how ours turned out.


The afterparty...PJs 

The party really wore us out!

We thought the fun couldn't continue but it did. On Wednesday we met up with some friends and trick or treated in the neighborhood. Now I had never really trick or treated before (unless I was too young to remember) so it was an adventure for me and the boys. 

 Our lion's first house

Strolling around the neighborhood

 Ace was looking really comfortable.

Cooper was roaring to go!
"I think I'm getting the hang of this."

 The crew by the wagon...it was amazing how many people were out and about.

A special treat was being able to trick or treat with Carrie and her kids!!! 
Phoebe and Ace weren't too impressed by this point.

 Cooper loved the wagon and didn't want to get out.

Loading up to head to the next stop

When it was time to leave the wagon he was upset. 
His consolation was getting to pull it for a little bit.

      By the end of the night we'd visited lots of strangers and friends and had a great time. We are so blessed! I think it was even more fun getting to go with friends. We're so blessed to live where we are and to have friends in town so we can experience it all!!

     Now onto Turkey Day! Thanksgiving is next week...wow! I love the holidays (if you can't tell by all the exclamation points) and am just so ready to celebrate all the things I'm thankful for and then celebrate the most important birth of all...Christ's!

"The Lord is good to all" Psalm 145:9 ...This is Cooper's first memory verse and he's about got it. It's a precious thing to hear the Word of the Lord coming out of my 2 year old's mouth. I pray he understands it soon and lives for the true blessings and gifts that God has to offer and not the tricks and treats of this world.

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