Thursday, November 15, 2012

Falloween Part 2

     My friend took some pictures at the party and emailed them to me. So, I'm including a part 2 to show you her shots. They are in no particular order. Enjoy!

 Colorful girls!

 Pebbles and Bam Bam

Lobster: "The chef is going to get me!!!" 

 Yabba Dabba Do!!

 I had jars full of candy and guests guessed how many were in each jar. 
The winners won the candy.
 I think the best part was watching everyone waiting in silence as I found the winner.

 Classic game for any party! Before..


 Andy let these toys come over and play for a while. 
Woody won the costume contest for the kids. 
(Lobster and Shirley were runners up)

April: "I had no idea Progressive could save me that much money!"

 Ready for action!


 Turtles in a 1/2 shell, Turtle Power!

 Another after party shot. 
"Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence O Lord." Psalm 89:15

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