Saturday, November 10, 2012

Town Cousin, Country Cousin

     Karper came to town to visit this past week and we were able to have some fun cousin time. I won't say that they all played together...still too young for that, but they did play around each other and interact some. It was great to see Karper and we hope he comes back to visit soon!

     Last Sunday we went to Mere Mere and Popsey's for the afternoon to hang out. Here are a few shots from that visit.

"Ok guys, this is how you do it."

"And then you do this..."

 I tried to get a picture of the two facing us, but they wouldn't cooperate. 
They both loved the trampoline though

All the Pitcock men and Nana

     Thursday night Karper came to our house so we showed him the sights, a calf, horses, chickens and the garden. He wasn't overly impressed with the animals, but he did get on Dandy for long enough to take a picture.

 Waiting for Karper to get here

 Wilbur meet Karper, Karper meet Wilbur

Karper wasn't too interested in feeding Wilbur. 
There was too much other stuff to see.

 Cousins are great for stress free transportation

 Discussing important 'man-stuff'

Karper did like one animal a lot....Boots. He's a hit with all the kids.
Karper followed him around, picked him up and squeezed him.
Boots is a very good sport.

 A roping lesson..Karper wanted to get up close and watch

 Karper on Dandy

 My need of haircuts

Mere Mere, Popsey and the boys

     Thanks for coming to visit us in the country Karper. We'll see you at Christmas!

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