Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Merry Christmas!!

   I know that the new year has already begun, but it takes a while to finish and recover from Christmas. : ) We had a WONDERFUL Christmas!! I'm not going into much detail because I don't have enough time or room to detail it all out, but we enjoyed every celebration.
    We headed to Mom and Dad's the Thursday before Christmas and had a family get together with the Scherers on Friday. It was nice to visit with everyone at Mom and Dad's house. Very festive and fun time..we played Chinese Christmas which is always a hit.

 Cooper helping Papa John start a fire

The boys wrapping 

   While the girls cook....

 Paw Paw with his youngest great-grandkids

Jam session after the Friday festivities

Cooper playing with cousins Pearson and Paige

    Saturday was Christmas Eve and the 6 of us just hung out at the house all day...it rained all day so we didn't do much outside. It was relaxing and plumping (when you're stuck inside with food that tends to happen). That night we exchanged gifts with each other. It was a Christmas of doubles for Dalton and I. We each gave each other Eggies (who does that?)! Then Garrett and I both gave Dalton a gun cleaning kit (Garrett's was better though), and Dalton and Garrett both got me cast iron skillets...I better get to cooking! There were many other good gifts and we really had a great time hanging out with each other.

 Cooper got a coonskin cap from Garrett : ) 

 Happy Fam...excuse the no makeup, 'casual' look

 Watching Garrett get out his gift

Our double gift...Eggies (we are such dorks!!)

     Sunday morning Santa came and visited Cooper. He got a tent with a tunnel, and a tricycle! Woo hoo. He really did great this Christmas with the gift opening. Every time he opened a gift he was so excited and acted like it was the best gift ever. Then he opened another one and had the same enthusiastic reaction. This made for happy gift givers. : )

 Santa came!


 Stocking stuffer goodies!
     Sunday afternoon Dad's family came over and we visited, ate and gifted again. That night we loaded up and headed back. I cried when we left because it's hard to leave such a warm and inviting house and family..especially in the dark. I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful family! Love you guys!

Do we have to go home now?

    Monday we got together with our other blessing of a family, the Pitcocks. We gifted again (no doubles this time), had pictures of the cousins in matching outfits, ate and then headed home. We were so busy visiting that I have only one good picture!! We had a great time and a nice visit though.

Cooper and Karper

    Enjoy the pictures of all the festivities. It was a blessed Christmas and this year I was really able to grasp how amazing and wonderful it was that Jesus came down as a baby to save the world. We have an amazing Savior and we must not let the Spirit of Christmas end in January but meditate on His awesomeness the whole year through.

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights." James 1:17

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