Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

     I know that Thanksgiving has passed, but at least I'm writing about it before December officially starts. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, I would say favorite but as the Christmas spirit is permeating the air I have to love that holiday more. It is of course the second most important holiday...the birth of our Savior. What's the first, you ask? Valentines...just kidding; Easter because our Savior rose from the dead! Yeah. Enough about holiday trivia; back to Thanksgiving.

     This year we stayed in Graham for Thanksgiving. It's hard being married and doing the every other year thing with families, especially when Dalton and I both are used to spending holidays with our own family every year. But it works out fine, especially this year when my family decided to come up after Thanksgiving to celebrate with we get to see both sides of the family in one weekend.

     We went to Aunt Jackie's house for Thanksgiving lunch on Thursday with the Pitcocks. There was a nice crowd and we got to visit with some of Dalton's cousins that he hasn't seen in a while. They have kids too, so Cooper had a couple of playmates. The food was wonderful (of course), and we left feeling satisfied; ok more like plump as a turkey, and headed home. On the way home we had a depressing thought...because we went to Jackie's for Thanksgiving we wouldn't be having any leftover turkey foldovers or sweet potatoes that night. A problem that will not happen the next Thanksgiving...I now plan to have a backup turkey (or chicken at the least), dressing, etc. at the house so we can enjoy the feast for multiple meals. You have to think these holidays through.

     The next day Cooper and I cleaned and readied the house for my parents and brother. Then we waited, and waited, and waited. Mom had to work until three and then I got the call at 4:50 that they were leaving....yuck! That meant 1. we had to wait even longer for them to arrive; 2. we had to stay up past our bedtime; and 3. less visiting time. After a quick pity party, I snapped out of it and enjoyed the evening with my boys. We tried to wait until they arrived to eat the yummy potato chicken corn chowder I made, but we caved. It was worth it. Cooper took a late nap so he could greet the visitors, but when 10 pm rolled around and he was in a daze, we decided he just had to go to bed. He gave a great sigh of relief when I laid him down and off to dreamland he went. 5 minutes later they pulled up..of course.

    I forgot to mention that they were in Dad's truck, hauling 23 round bales of hay to us; which always delays things. When the road weary travelers got in the house we found out that they had a flat in Weatherford and lost an hour...poor guys. They chowed down on the chowder (I may or may not have had another small taster --for the baby) and we went to bed. Oh, but before we went to bed we got an early Christmas duds (possibly for a family picture at some point this holiday season). I had to mention them because Cooper got a new belt and is quite taken with it. Below you will find the cutie pie in his new duds..I think he's digging them, don't you?

     The next morning I made biscuits and gravy and then the guys unloaded the hay while Mom and I played with Cooper and got dressed. Then we all loaded up and headed to town to go bowling. Woo hoo!! I had been looking forward to a bowling date for some time. Everyone had a great time and bowled pretty good. Our lanes were by the arcade, so it was nice for Cooper. He just wandered around while someone kept an eye on him.
                                            Garrett keeping an eye on the little guy

     Merann came too, and she was nice enough to let Cooper bowl her last turn. He knocked down 3 pins...go Cooper!  Why didn't his mother let him bowl? you ask. Well, I didn't want to bring it up, but since you asked...I bowled my best game ever..169!! Because I'm pregnant I tried to take it easy and focus more on precision rather than power (usually I'm a throw it harder and you'll know more down type), and it paid off. We'll see how the next time goes. I was pretty impressed with Dalton too. He won the first game.

                                               The lean, mean bowling gang

So focused

                                                                  Look at that form

Intensity personified

                                                           It's all in the flick of the wrist

The most graceful bowler by far

                                                                    Easy does it

    After bowling we ate lunch at the alley. Cooper particularly enjoyed dipping his french fries in ketchup..he has some Moore genes for sure, loving the ketchup. Then it was back to the house.

                                                          Going in for the dip

                                              And the sweet taste of a ketchup loaded fry..

     Mom whooped Garrett and I at Kanasta, while the others took a nap. Then it was time for more cooking and eating (still don't think I'd felt hunger pains in a couple of days at this point). Mom helped me make a ham, sweet potato casserole, broccoli casserole and (per Garrett's request) and apple pie.

                                           Working hard in the kitchen

     Dalton has been asking me when we were going to use the china that we have never used (I'm a little afraid of it to be honest), so I decided that tonight was the night. So we had our fine china and crystal, delicious meal, and sparkling grape juice for a nightcap..fancy I know.

                                                          Ready to eat!

Apple Pie...yummm

    The next morning Garrett left early and I made a quiche for the rest of us. It was a really good recipe...Cooper even ate lots of it. Then we said goodbye to Mom and Dad and waved them off.

    What a great weekend with the folks. Next time I hope they can stay longer. : ) Now, it's officially Christmas time and I'm super excited. Hopefully I'll have a Christmas tree post this weekend...

And now to ready ourselves for the true Christmas spirit:

"But the angel said to Mary, you have found favor with God. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High." Luke 1:30-32a

**Note: the reason I mentioned so many food specifics is because I took lots of time to pick out what I was going to make (new recipes) so I want to remember the good ones. Corny, I know.

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