Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Feline Family

Pretty day and pretty clouds

     If you read my post about my visit to Dew, you'll remember that I mentioned Dalton brining Gus Gus to live with my parents. It was bittersweet. One the one hand Gus Gus is a sweet loving dog that is great with the kiddos. On the other hand, however, he is a big clutz menace that chewed everything in sight and prevented us from being able to leave anything of value outside. So we waved goodbye to Gus Gus as we left my parents' house and headed home to our herd of felines (or is it a pack).
     I have to admit that even though I was sad to lose Gus Gus, it's been really nice here at home. I've been able to leave toys out, haven't had to scoop any messes and we've gotten to take the garden fence down. Not sure Mom and Dad are having the same feelings, but hopefully he'll outgrow the puppy stage soon.

     I think the biggest plus of having no dog is that Cooper can now play with his kittens all he wants. Maybe it was a bad move on our part giving him a kitten last year instead of a dog because now he's more of a cat boy than a dog one, but what's done is done. And not only does he have one cat, but five! We have a wild momma cat that came with the place, her 2 wild kittens that we are attempting to tame and two of Little Girl's orphans. We were only supposed to keep one orphan, but Dalton didn't want to leave one alone, so we still have two.

  Cooper and his kittens. 
Notice the way they are cuddling up to him with love...not!

     Cooper is so cute with the kittens though. He loves to pick them up and carry them under one arm around their belly. They are pretty good sports, no scratches yet. Unfortunately Cooper isn't the gentlest kid and sometimes we've caught him carrying them by the tail, ear or leg, but he's learning. *In his defense, he saw his daddy carrying one by the scruff of the neck and when he tried to imitate, the ear is what he went for; guess he didn't look close enough to see which part his daddy was actually holding.

He's going in for the pet!

     He also keeps attempting to put them in the back of his truck and haul them around, but they always jump out before he gets moving. Finally I put some feed in the truck bed and that kept one in long enough for him to get rolling. He's an attentive owner..sometimes too attentive. He'll grab the kitten's head and force it into the water or food because he thinks it needs to eat or drink. Again, we're working on gentleness and he's learning.


Dora (or Gaga in Cooper speak)

    The three of us go out and feed the cats every morning and then we usually sit by the cat bowl so that we can pet the wilder kittens. One is pretty good about it while he's eating. The other one..not so much. But it's fun to try.

The Wild Ones waiting for us to leave so that they can eat

     So, in short, we are embracing the feline in ourselves and enjoying watching the kitties playing in the backyard. And the plus to having too many cats, we don't have to worry about snakes as much. Yeah!

Just had to include a pic of this little guy : ) 

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1

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