Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

     I know that Thanksgiving has passed, but at least I'm writing about it before December officially starts. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays, I would say favorite but as the Christmas spirit is permeating the air I have to love that holiday more. It is of course the second most important holiday...the birth of our Savior. What's the first, you ask? Valentines...just kidding; Easter because our Savior rose from the dead! Yeah. Enough about holiday trivia; back to Thanksgiving.

     This year we stayed in Graham for Thanksgiving. It's hard being married and doing the every other year thing with families, especially when Dalton and I both are used to spending holidays with our own family every year. But it works out fine, especially this year when my family decided to come up after Thanksgiving to celebrate with we get to see both sides of the family in one weekend.

     We went to Aunt Jackie's house for Thanksgiving lunch on Thursday with the Pitcocks. There was a nice crowd and we got to visit with some of Dalton's cousins that he hasn't seen in a while. They have kids too, so Cooper had a couple of playmates. The food was wonderful (of course), and we left feeling satisfied; ok more like plump as a turkey, and headed home. On the way home we had a depressing thought...because we went to Jackie's for Thanksgiving we wouldn't be having any leftover turkey foldovers or sweet potatoes that night. A problem that will not happen the next Thanksgiving...I now plan to have a backup turkey (or chicken at the least), dressing, etc. at the house so we can enjoy the feast for multiple meals. You have to think these holidays through.

     The next day Cooper and I cleaned and readied the house for my parents and brother. Then we waited, and waited, and waited. Mom had to work until three and then I got the call at 4:50 that they were leaving....yuck! That meant 1. we had to wait even longer for them to arrive; 2. we had to stay up past our bedtime; and 3. less visiting time. After a quick pity party, I snapped out of it and enjoyed the evening with my boys. We tried to wait until they arrived to eat the yummy potato chicken corn chowder I made, but we caved. It was worth it. Cooper took a late nap so he could greet the visitors, but when 10 pm rolled around and he was in a daze, we decided he just had to go to bed. He gave a great sigh of relief when I laid him down and off to dreamland he went. 5 minutes later they pulled up..of course.

    I forgot to mention that they were in Dad's truck, hauling 23 round bales of hay to us; which always delays things. When the road weary travelers got in the house we found out that they had a flat in Weatherford and lost an hour...poor guys. They chowed down on the chowder (I may or may not have had another small taster --for the baby) and we went to bed. Oh, but before we went to bed we got an early Christmas duds (possibly for a family picture at some point this holiday season). I had to mention them because Cooper got a new belt and is quite taken with it. Below you will find the cutie pie in his new duds..I think he's digging them, don't you?

     The next morning I made biscuits and gravy and then the guys unloaded the hay while Mom and I played with Cooper and got dressed. Then we all loaded up and headed to town to go bowling. Woo hoo!! I had been looking forward to a bowling date for some time. Everyone had a great time and bowled pretty good. Our lanes were by the arcade, so it was nice for Cooper. He just wandered around while someone kept an eye on him.
                                            Garrett keeping an eye on the little guy

     Merann came too, and she was nice enough to let Cooper bowl her last turn. He knocked down 3 pins...go Cooper!  Why didn't his mother let him bowl? you ask. Well, I didn't want to bring it up, but since you asked...I bowled my best game ever..169!! Because I'm pregnant I tried to take it easy and focus more on precision rather than power (usually I'm a throw it harder and you'll know more down type), and it paid off. We'll see how the next time goes. I was pretty impressed with Dalton too. He won the first game.

                                               The lean, mean bowling gang

So focused

                                                                  Look at that form

Intensity personified

                                                           It's all in the flick of the wrist

The most graceful bowler by far

                                                                    Easy does it

    After bowling we ate lunch at the alley. Cooper particularly enjoyed dipping his french fries in ketchup..he has some Moore genes for sure, loving the ketchup. Then it was back to the house.

                                                          Going in for the dip

                                              And the sweet taste of a ketchup loaded fry..

     Mom whooped Garrett and I at Kanasta, while the others took a nap. Then it was time for more cooking and eating (still don't think I'd felt hunger pains in a couple of days at this point). Mom helped me make a ham, sweet potato casserole, broccoli casserole and (per Garrett's request) and apple pie.

                                           Working hard in the kitchen

     Dalton has been asking me when we were going to use the china that we have never used (I'm a little afraid of it to be honest), so I decided that tonight was the night. So we had our fine china and crystal, delicious meal, and sparkling grape juice for a nightcap..fancy I know.

                                                          Ready to eat!

Apple Pie...yummm

    The next morning Garrett left early and I made a quiche for the rest of us. It was a really good recipe...Cooper even ate lots of it. Then we said goodbye to Mom and Dad and waved them off.

    What a great weekend with the folks. Next time I hope they can stay longer. : ) Now, it's officially Christmas time and I'm super excited. Hopefully I'll have a Christmas tree post this weekend...

And now to ready ourselves for the true Christmas spirit:

"But the angel said to Mary, you have found favor with God. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High." Luke 1:30-32a

**Note: the reason I mentioned so many food specifics is because I took lots of time to pick out what I was going to make (new recipes) so I want to remember the good ones. Corny, I know.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Aggieland Part 2

We left off with Cooper napping as we traveled around College Station. After his nap, we met the fam at the airport to see the Osprey up close and personal. It was pretty neat!

                                                                     The Osprey

                                         The whole family with Captain Justin

                                        Cooper and Karper in the seats ready to fly

                                           Dalton trying out the pilot seat

                                     Looking at the gang from the back of the plane

                                        Cooper's climbing in the plane

                                       And Popsey helps him with the last few steps

          After we toured the plane, we all loaded up for dinner. We went to Chicken Oil for dinner. It was a neat little place with lots of personality, and the food was good too. Then we all headed back to the hotel and visited a while.

     The next morning we packed up and prepared to head home. We were on a schedule to leave because Cooper had a birthday party in Graham that evening.

                                            "Come on guys, I have a party to get to"

                    There goes Cooper with his suitcase. It's so cute watching him pull it!

     We made  stop in Waco to eat at On the Border..yummmmm, and then it was on to Graham. It was so weird to watch the temperature as we traveled from muggy College Station at 80 degrees to crisp Graham at 45 degrees. The party was super fun..there were bounce houses and Cooper tried them all.

    And so ends our travels to College Station. It was a fun time with family!

"Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; his love endures forever." Psalm 106:1

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Trip to Aggieland..Part One

     Last weekend Dalton, Cooper and I loaded up and headed to College Station. Why? you ask.... well, Dalton's brother, Justin, is a pilot in the Marines, and he flies an Osprey aircraft. He, and the pilots of two other Ospreys had the opportunity to do the fly over before the A&M game on Saturday. It sounded like a neat opportunity to see him fly, and thanks to Dalton's parents, we were able to get tickets and go to the game. It was a family affair because Dalton's sister, parents and Justin's wife and son were able to come too. Justin and Kallie live in California, so for them to get to come to TX for the weekend was a big deal.

     Dalton had to work that Friday, so when he got off Cooper and I were loaded up waiting for him. We left around 4 pm, with me behind the wheel. Normally I don't jump in the driver's seat for long trips, but I knew Cooper might need some entertaining on the road, and I thought a little Daddy time would be good for them. : ) Plus, in reality, Dalton is probably better at entertaining Cooper in the car than I am. I just have to point out where the snacks and sippy cups are when needed.

Daddy sipping on the big gulp. It's comical because he NEVER gets a big gulp.

Little Man snuggling down in his carseat, ready to sleep. This picture got me into trouble, because Dalt said my flash would distract other drivers. I think it was worth it.
     We made a quick stop in Waco for some dinner. It was less than satisfying, but oh well, and then we were off again for College Station. After Waco I let Dalton drive, and it worked out well because in not too long Cooper was asleep in the backseat...I had to fight sleep in the front seat too. We arrived at our hotel and settled in. It was unique because we had three beds in our room, but no chair or couch. I felt like Goldilocks deciding which bed to sleep in.

     The next morning, we dressed in our game clothes (maroon is the best choice, but I wore white...maternity limitations), and met Dalton's parents for a continental breakfast (one of the perks of the hotel). Then we were off to the game. It was a little crazy trying to figure out where to park and what to take in...with an 18 mo old it's always best to have lots of variety in terms of toys and snacks. I loaded Coop's camo backpack and we headed to the gate. We got to see the Corps of Cadets march in, which was neat, and then made it inside. We thought we had it made, until someone informed us that there are no strollers allowed in the stadium....what??  This doesn't sound like a big deal, but when you have to go up a huge ramp around and around and around and around (get the picture) to the very top seats (ours) carrying a baby and a backpack, it is a biggie. I pouted about it for a little while and then we took off. I was lucky..I got the backpack and not Cooper. But as I went step after step up the ramp I regretted the extra toys and extra sippy cup I put into the bag. I am out of shape!!

View from our seats up top
Daddy and Cooper enjoying the game
     I forgot to mention that by this time we were a little concerned about getting to our seats in time for the pre-game fly over. We wanted to record it. So, we didn't just leisurely walk to our seats...we marched fast. Finally we made it to our section and I looked up to see more stairs to climb...(picture me panting and sweating here). We scaled those too and with great relief sat down in our seats, with time to spare I might add.
Here comes Captain Justin...he's in the lead
     The fly over was pretty neat. Dalton got to record it (and did a great job) and later in the game Justin went onto the field and was introduced. As an Aggie, I'm sure it was a great honor for him. I was a little worried about Cooper at the game, but because we were at the very top he was able to walk around behind us without bothering anyone. He was So Great! He snacked a little, looked a little, played a little, etc. He even clapped when everyone else did. Merann, Kallie and baby Karper came up and sat with us for some of the game. Karper looked really cute in his Aggie attire.  is really curious about little Karper. It's so funny how kids are so interested in babies. Hopefully that's true when our little guy comes along in March!

Snacking and watching the Aggie's scoring another touchdown
Merann, Karper, Cooper and Dalton
     My favorite part of the game was halftime..if you haven't ever seen the Aggie band perform you have missed out. They are awesome! We made it to the fourth quarter, and then it was time to go. The game was a blowout --in the Aggie's favor-- so we weren't worried about missing out on anything. We left, made it down the ramp...amazing how much shorter it is going down.. and let Cooper nap in the car while we drove around and did a little Christmas shopping.

The Aggie band and the entire Corps 
     Later that day we were able to go see the Osprey aircraft. Those pictures and the conclusion of the trip will be in Part Two...

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

It's the Little Things

     Cooper is at the age of desiring independence without actually being able to experience much of it. He wants to eat with utensils but hasn't managed that quite yet; wants to climb into chairs but can't seem to stay out of trouble once he gets up there; wants to drive the truck but obviously can't do that.

    So today when he wanted some applesauce and a spoon I was ready to feed him his morning snack. This time however he took the sauce and spoon and fed himself! Woo hoo!! Not only did he feed himself, but he did so without making a big mess. I was so proud of him.

    Here are a few pics chronicling his big boy feat. (I warned you that our life wasn't super glamorous and so Coop eating with a spoon is pretty big news.)

                                               He' setting up the cup in just the right spot.

                                  Going in for the dip. He was very careful not to get too much.

                                          And into the mouth the yummy stuff goes.

      Notice the precision with which he directs the spoon directly to the center of the mouth. I don't think he's picked up this neatness from me. It seems that lately I can't eat a meal without saving a little for later on my clothes.


                                                             Happy boy!

     I think he's proud of himself...then again it could just be that a camera is pointing toward him. I don't know where he gets his hammish quality. ; ) So, the moral of this short story is to be thankful for the little blessings in every day.

     On another note, as I watched Cooper eating his applesauce my heart just swelled with love simply because he is mine. And then I thought how amazing it is that God looks at us and His heart swells with love for us...simply because we are His and we love Him. Amazing love how can it be...... I can't help but tear up to think about it. God is so good to us!

"O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever." Psalm 30:12

I must go now...Cooper is in a chair reaching for a candle (don't worry, it's not lit).

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Feeding with Daddy

     One advantage to living where my husband works is that we get to see him often, we even get to have lunch  together. This is a big plus for Cooper and I and sometimes that is the highlight of our day, well that and when Daddy gets home from work. Especially when it was 110 degrees outside and the only time we could stand to go out was in the early morning and late evening. Being stuck inside with a 1 y/o is very challenging. (I'm anticipating the new challenges of being stuck inside when it's wintery cold outside in the coming months.)
     In addition to lunching together, we also go on feeding rounds with him once or twice a week. Last winter we did this a few was a great way to get Coop started on his nap. He loves trucks so he enjoyed it quite a bit.
                                                     He loves driving the truck

     Because of the drought they had to start feeding a little early this year, so our opportunities to go feedin' have already started. When Cooper wakes up, we eat breakfast and get ready; then Daddy comes by to pick us up. Sometimes he comes a little before we're ready and we have to do the fireman and throw on our shoes and coats. And we can't forget Coop's cup...without a drink he wouldn't make the morning. Once we're loaded we take off to the various pastures to feed hay and cubes. Dalton likes having us along...of course I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that when we go I open all the gates. Cooper gets to drive in the pasture.
                        We just hop out and watch him make a few laps...what a kid.

     Every once in a while Dalton will make the mistake of asking me to count the cows for him. Unfortunately cows move around a lot while they are eating, and when they are all the same color it makes it really hard to count them. I try to get a good count but usually I'm finally told to be quiet because I count out loud and too slow. The proper counting method (I'm told) is to silently count while your fingers do an air tap by your side. I wish I could demonstrate for you...or rather that Dalton could.

     As we ride around looking for the herd, which involves repeatedly listening to a loud siren, I try to be the first one to spot the cows. I always get so excited and say 'Cow!' and then Dalton rolls his eyes because he's seen that cow and 3 more long before I did. One time though I did see them before him and it was great. Sometimes we have to stop and wait for the cows to come to us. This is a good opportunity for Cooper to get out and stretch his legs. Then, when the cows show up, he likes to help feed them. He prefers to feed them by hand, but they haven't quite caught on to the idea.

                                     " I've got the cubes, let's head to the cows."

                                             "Come on girls. Just a little closer."

                                                           Almost there....


                                            Daddy and Cooper doing the cow count.

     Now that there are a lot of calves, Cooper has learned to run towards them and scare them off. It's pretty cute, and I think a good sign that he'll like helping Daddy feed well into the future. Who knows, maybe I'll get to be off gate duty in a couple of years. 

                                                                    What a team!

     "This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24



Tuesday, November 8, 2011

It's a Boy!

     We are having our second baby in March..due the 21st. As soon as we found out I was expecting, I have to admit that we hoped it was another boy. Having a boy first was great, so we thought why mess with a good thing. Also, when I look at the huge stack of clothes that Cooper has grown out of and think about having to store them if it's a girl, yuck!
     But as the time went by waiting until that 20 week sonogram I began to convince myself it was a girl. I thought that even though I felt the same way, craved the same things, etc. that it was probably going to be a girl. Dalton wouldn't really accept that, but neither one of us really had a clue what this one was going to be. All we knew was that God would give us what we need, and there is such great comfort in not having control over the situation.
     Finally the time came for us to find out. When I woke up that day I actually had some anxiety going on. I think simply because this was it...we'd know and couldn't pretend one way or another. Over-ruling the anxiety was excitement and I hoped that my plan for the reveal would work out. I had heard of a lot of ideas like revealing parties with a pink or blue cake interior, and opening a gift to reveal. I decided that it would be neat to find out a different way than last time:
Dr.: "Do you want to know what it is?"
Us: " Yes"
Dr.: "It's a boy."

     I planned to do the gift idea if we could hold out and if it worked out. So, after waiting all day for my appointment -- we had to wait for Dalton to get off work -- it was finally time. Usually the wait to see the  doc is long, but this time it was quite short. Yeah!
     Dalton thought that he'd be able to look at the sonogram and figure out what we were having, because the Dr. pointed it out to us when we found out with Cooper. I hoped he wouldn't see, but was prepared in case. During the sonogram the Dr. pointed out the baby's foot, head, face (which still looks pretty alien), spine and legs. I never even saw where the 'parts' could have been seen and was beginning to wonder if this was going to be the day after all.
      Finally, after a long time he turned it off, flipped on the lights and said "I know what it is. And if you're wondering I'm about 100% sure." We were a little shocked because we didn't see even a hint of anything that looked like that 'area'. Amateurs!
      We had him write boy or girl on a little card we brought and left knowing that he knew and we could know soon! Exciting!! At this point I was just happy someone knew and was ready to take the next step in the plan. We went to a local shop where one of our friends works. I gave her the card and told her to wrap a burp cloth that said Boys Rock if it said boy, and a cute pink hat with a flower if it was a girl. Then I meandered around the shop. I really didn't have to worry about peeking because at this point I was more excited to find out by opening a gift. Soon she had it all wrapped up and we were off to get Cooper. Once we picked him up we headed to a local restaurant.
      We sat down, quickly ordered and decided that it was time. I wanted a picture of us together when we opened the gift, but Dalton said no...too embarrassing to get our picture taken in public (eye roll here). So, I agreed to open it so he could take a reaction picture. My reactions are much more expressive than his anyway so it worked out well. I tried to get Cooper to help me open it but he was more interested in trying to escape the booth and greet fellow diners...he's really into waving at everyone he sees, which is sweet really.
      So, I carefully pulled out the tissue paper, reached in and.....

     Voila! It's a boy!! Cooper is so excited can't you tell? Then it was Dalton's turn to get a picture, and it  actually captured a good reaction...he was happy, very happy!

     After it was official, we took a picture of the burp rag and sent it to our friends/family to let them know. They were excited, especially Popsey and PaPaw. I think they might be seeing multiple boys as good workers one day. It was such a blessing to share this moment first with Dalton and I, and then with all of our family/friends. It really adds to the excitement when you get their reactions.

     When we finally made it home I decided I had to have a shot of big brother, so I snapped one of him with the bib...I think he's happy too. He looks so big here! I think this new baby is going to make me sad  for my Cooper baby growing up.
     It's really funny because since we've found out it's a boy, Dalton and I have felt so relieved. Nothing against girls, I just feel ill-prepared to handle all that girls have to go through and deal with (drama drama, hormones, dating, etc.). And since we know what to do with a boy, it'll help with the adjustment of going from 1 to 2...I hope.

     And as I think about having two boys I'm excited and humbled at the part I get to play in the future of this world. We seem to be lacking courageous Christian men to lead our families, churches and country. I'm honored to get the opportunity to raise two boys and...God-willing...turn out God-fearing Christian men that can make a difference for the glory of God.My prayer now is that I rise to the occasion, with the Spirit's power, and do my duty as a mom.

     Now to the task of thinking of a may be a difficult one.

"Children are a heritage of the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward." Psalm 127:3