Thursday, November 10, 2011

Feeding with Daddy

     One advantage to living where my husband works is that we get to see him often, we even get to have lunch  together. This is a big plus for Cooper and I and sometimes that is the highlight of our day, well that and when Daddy gets home from work. Especially when it was 110 degrees outside and the only time we could stand to go out was in the early morning and late evening. Being stuck inside with a 1 y/o is very challenging. (I'm anticipating the new challenges of being stuck inside when it's wintery cold outside in the coming months.)
     In addition to lunching together, we also go on feeding rounds with him once or twice a week. Last winter we did this a few was a great way to get Coop started on his nap. He loves trucks so he enjoyed it quite a bit.
                                                     He loves driving the truck

     Because of the drought they had to start feeding a little early this year, so our opportunities to go feedin' have already started. When Cooper wakes up, we eat breakfast and get ready; then Daddy comes by to pick us up. Sometimes he comes a little before we're ready and we have to do the fireman and throw on our shoes and coats. And we can't forget Coop's cup...without a drink he wouldn't make the morning. Once we're loaded we take off to the various pastures to feed hay and cubes. Dalton likes having us along...of course I'm sure it has nothing to do with the fact that when we go I open all the gates. Cooper gets to drive in the pasture.
                        We just hop out and watch him make a few laps...what a kid.

     Every once in a while Dalton will make the mistake of asking me to count the cows for him. Unfortunately cows move around a lot while they are eating, and when they are all the same color it makes it really hard to count them. I try to get a good count but usually I'm finally told to be quiet because I count out loud and too slow. The proper counting method (I'm told) is to silently count while your fingers do an air tap by your side. I wish I could demonstrate for you...or rather that Dalton could.

     As we ride around looking for the herd, which involves repeatedly listening to a loud siren, I try to be the first one to spot the cows. I always get so excited and say 'Cow!' and then Dalton rolls his eyes because he's seen that cow and 3 more long before I did. One time though I did see them before him and it was great. Sometimes we have to stop and wait for the cows to come to us. This is a good opportunity for Cooper to get out and stretch his legs. Then, when the cows show up, he likes to help feed them. He prefers to feed them by hand, but they haven't quite caught on to the idea.

                                     " I've got the cubes, let's head to the cows."

                                             "Come on girls. Just a little closer."

                                                           Almost there....


                                            Daddy and Cooper doing the cow count.

     Now that there are a lot of calves, Cooper has learned to run towards them and scare them off. It's pretty cute, and I think a good sign that he'll like helping Daddy feed well into the future. Who knows, maybe I'll get to be off gate duty in a couple of years. 

                                                                    What a team!

     "This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24



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