Friday, November 25, 2011

Aggieland Part 2

We left off with Cooper napping as we traveled around College Station. After his nap, we met the fam at the airport to see the Osprey up close and personal. It was pretty neat!

                                                                     The Osprey

                                         The whole family with Captain Justin

                                        Cooper and Karper in the seats ready to fly

                                           Dalton trying out the pilot seat

                                     Looking at the gang from the back of the plane

                                        Cooper's climbing in the plane

                                       And Popsey helps him with the last few steps

          After we toured the plane, we all loaded up for dinner. We went to Chicken Oil for dinner. It was a neat little place with lots of personality, and the food was good too. Then we all headed back to the hotel and visited a while.

     The next morning we packed up and prepared to head home. We were on a schedule to leave because Cooper had a birthday party in Graham that evening.

                                            "Come on guys, I have a party to get to"

                    There goes Cooper with his suitcase. It's so cute watching him pull it!

     We made  stop in Waco to eat at On the Border..yummmmm, and then it was on to Graham. It was so weird to watch the temperature as we traveled from muggy College Station at 80 degrees to crisp Graham at 45 degrees. The party was super fun..there were bounce houses and Cooper tried them all.

    And so ends our travels to College Station. It was a fun time with family!

"Praise the Lord. Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good; his love endures forever." Psalm 106:1

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