Monday, November 7, 2011

And the fun begins?

     Yes, that is supposed to be a question mark after the title. This is because I am still a little unsure about this whole blogging thing. Honestly I never thought about having a blog until I saw my friend's. It was so cute to hear stories about their family and see pictures. So that, along with prompting from  my mom, who told me I could use it as a journal of sorts, spurred me on.
     I used to be an avid journal writer when I was young, so this should be easy enough...except that journals are private and this, not so much. But I think it will be rewarding to put some experiences down in print and share what God's doing in my life with others. (If nothing else it will keep me from watching too much TV and eating too many bon bons... because no one wants to read about that).
    I'm a happy homemaker with an 18 month old boy, and another boy on the way (due in March). I live in the country, and we have horses, cats, chickens (well, sometimes), and lots of wildlife.
                                                             Cooper, my son

     Hopefully some animal or child will do something interesting for me to write about. If not, I can always whip up a batch of sweets and tell you how good they are. That is what I do around here when I get bored...bake. Not the smartest of hobbies when you are a woman trying to watch her weight, but oh well.

God's blessings!

"So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God." 1 Cor 10:31