Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Trip to Aggieland..Part One

     Last weekend Dalton, Cooper and I loaded up and headed to College Station. Why? you ask.... well, Dalton's brother, Justin, is a pilot in the Marines, and he flies an Osprey aircraft. He, and the pilots of two other Ospreys had the opportunity to do the fly over before the A&M game on Saturday. It sounded like a neat opportunity to see him fly, and thanks to Dalton's parents, we were able to get tickets and go to the game. It was a family affair because Dalton's sister, parents and Justin's wife and son were able to come too. Justin and Kallie live in California, so for them to get to come to TX for the weekend was a big deal.

     Dalton had to work that Friday, so when he got off Cooper and I were loaded up waiting for him. We left around 4 pm, with me behind the wheel. Normally I don't jump in the driver's seat for long trips, but I knew Cooper might need some entertaining on the road, and I thought a little Daddy time would be good for them. : ) Plus, in reality, Dalton is probably better at entertaining Cooper in the car than I am. I just have to point out where the snacks and sippy cups are when needed.

Daddy sipping on the big gulp. It's comical because he NEVER gets a big gulp.

Little Man snuggling down in his carseat, ready to sleep. This picture got me into trouble, because Dalt said my flash would distract other drivers. I think it was worth it.
     We made a quick stop in Waco for some dinner. It was less than satisfying, but oh well, and then we were off again for College Station. After Waco I let Dalton drive, and it worked out well because in not too long Cooper was asleep in the backseat...I had to fight sleep in the front seat too. We arrived at our hotel and settled in. It was unique because we had three beds in our room, but no chair or couch. I felt like Goldilocks deciding which bed to sleep in.

     The next morning, we dressed in our game clothes (maroon is the best choice, but I wore white...maternity limitations), and met Dalton's parents for a continental breakfast (one of the perks of the hotel). Then we were off to the game. It was a little crazy trying to figure out where to park and what to take in...with an 18 mo old it's always best to have lots of variety in terms of toys and snacks. I loaded Coop's camo backpack and we headed to the gate. We got to see the Corps of Cadets march in, which was neat, and then made it inside. We thought we had it made, until someone informed us that there are no strollers allowed in the stadium....what??  This doesn't sound like a big deal, but when you have to go up a huge ramp around and around and around and around (get the picture) to the very top seats (ours) carrying a baby and a backpack, it is a biggie. I pouted about it for a little while and then we took off. I was lucky..I got the backpack and not Cooper. But as I went step after step up the ramp I regretted the extra toys and extra sippy cup I put into the bag. I am out of shape!!

View from our seats up top
Daddy and Cooper enjoying the game
     I forgot to mention that by this time we were a little concerned about getting to our seats in time for the pre-game fly over. We wanted to record it. So, we didn't just leisurely walk to our seats...we marched fast. Finally we made it to our section and I looked up to see more stairs to climb...(picture me panting and sweating here). We scaled those too and with great relief sat down in our seats, with time to spare I might add.
Here comes Captain Justin...he's in the lead
     The fly over was pretty neat. Dalton got to record it (and did a great job) and later in the game Justin went onto the field and was introduced. As an Aggie, I'm sure it was a great honor for him. I was a little worried about Cooper at the game, but because we were at the very top he was able to walk around behind us without bothering anyone. He was So Great! He snacked a little, looked a little, played a little, etc. He even clapped when everyone else did. Merann, Kallie and baby Karper came up and sat with us for some of the game. Karper looked really cute in his Aggie attire.  is really curious about little Karper. It's so funny how kids are so interested in babies. Hopefully that's true when our little guy comes along in March!

Snacking and watching the Aggie's scoring another touchdown
Merann, Karper, Cooper and Dalton
     My favorite part of the game was halftime..if you haven't ever seen the Aggie band perform you have missed out. They are awesome! We made it to the fourth quarter, and then it was time to go. The game was a blowout --in the Aggie's favor-- so we weren't worried about missing out on anything. We left, made it down the ramp...amazing how much shorter it is going down.. and let Cooper nap in the car while we drove around and did a little Christmas shopping.

The Aggie band and the entire Corps 
     Later that day we were able to go see the Osprey aircraft. Those pictures and the conclusion of the trip will be in Part Two...

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait for part two!! I'm setting on the edge of my seat...... I so love this blog thing :) Not only great pictures! But and exciting story line to go along with them! Just love it! Love Gramma Deb (Mom to you:0) See you this weekend hopefully !! Give Coop a kiss from me! Bye for now, really did enjoy the blog!
