Tuesday, November 15, 2011

It's the Little Things

     Cooper is at the age of desiring independence without actually being able to experience much of it. He wants to eat with utensils but hasn't managed that quite yet; wants to climb into chairs but can't seem to stay out of trouble once he gets up there; wants to drive the truck but obviously can't do that.

    So today when he wanted some applesauce and a spoon I was ready to feed him his morning snack. This time however he took the sauce and spoon and fed himself! Woo hoo!! Not only did he feed himself, but he did so without making a big mess. I was so proud of him.

    Here are a few pics chronicling his big boy feat. (I warned you that our life wasn't super glamorous and so Coop eating with a spoon is pretty big news.)

                                               He' setting up the cup in just the right spot.

                                  Going in for the dip. He was very careful not to get too much.

                                          And into the mouth the yummy stuff goes.

      Notice the precision with which he directs the spoon directly to the center of the mouth. I don't think he's picked up this neatness from me. It seems that lately I can't eat a meal without saving a little for later on my clothes.


                                                             Happy boy!

     I think he's proud of himself...then again it could just be that a camera is pointing toward him. I don't know where he gets his hammish quality. ; ) So, the moral of this short story is to be thankful for the little blessings in every day.

     On another note, as I watched Cooper eating his applesauce my heart just swelled with love simply because he is mine. And then I thought how amazing it is that God looks at us and His heart swells with love for us...simply because we are His and we love Him. Amazing love how can it be...... I can't help but tear up to think about it. God is so good to us!

"O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever." Psalm 30:12

I must go now...Cooper is in a chair reaching for a candle (don't worry, it's not lit).

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