Tuesday, November 8, 2011

It's a Boy!

     We are having our second baby in March..due the 21st. As soon as we found out I was expecting, I have to admit that we hoped it was another boy. Having a boy first was great, so we thought why mess with a good thing. Also, when I look at the huge stack of clothes that Cooper has grown out of and think about having to store them if it's a girl, yuck!
     But as the time went by waiting until that 20 week sonogram I began to convince myself it was a girl. I thought that even though I felt the same way, craved the same things, etc. that it was probably going to be a girl. Dalton wouldn't really accept that, but neither one of us really had a clue what this one was going to be. All we knew was that God would give us what we need, and there is such great comfort in not having control over the situation.
     Finally the time came for us to find out. When I woke up that day I actually had some anxiety going on. I think simply because this was it...we'd know and couldn't pretend one way or another. Over-ruling the anxiety was excitement and I hoped that my plan for the reveal would work out. I had heard of a lot of ideas like revealing parties with a pink or blue cake interior, and opening a gift to reveal. I decided that it would be neat to find out a different way than last time:
Dr.: "Do you want to know what it is?"
Us: " Yes"
Dr.: "It's a boy."

     I planned to do the gift idea if we could hold out and if it worked out. So, after waiting all day for my appointment -- we had to wait for Dalton to get off work -- it was finally time. Usually the wait to see the  doc is long, but this time it was quite short. Yeah!
     Dalton thought that he'd be able to look at the sonogram and figure out what we were having, because the Dr. pointed it out to us when we found out with Cooper. I hoped he wouldn't see, but was prepared in case. During the sonogram the Dr. pointed out the baby's foot, head, face (which still looks pretty alien), spine and legs. I never even saw where the 'parts' could have been seen and was beginning to wonder if this was going to be the day after all.
      Finally, after a long time he turned it off, flipped on the lights and said "I know what it is. And if you're wondering I'm about 100% sure." We were a little shocked because we didn't see even a hint of anything that looked like that 'area'. Amateurs!
      We had him write boy or girl on a little card we brought and left knowing that he knew and we could know soon! Exciting!! At this point I was just happy someone knew and was ready to take the next step in the plan. We went to a local shop where one of our friends works. I gave her the card and told her to wrap a burp cloth that said Boys Rock if it said boy, and a cute pink hat with a flower if it was a girl. Then I meandered around the shop. I really didn't have to worry about peeking because at this point I was more excited to find out by opening a gift. Soon she had it all wrapped up and we were off to get Cooper. Once we picked him up we headed to a local restaurant.
      We sat down, quickly ordered and decided that it was time. I wanted a picture of us together when we opened the gift, but Dalton said no...too embarrassing to get our picture taken in public (eye roll here). So, I agreed to open it so he could take a reaction picture. My reactions are much more expressive than his anyway so it worked out well. I tried to get Cooper to help me open it but he was more interested in trying to escape the booth and greet fellow diners...he's really into waving at everyone he sees, which is sweet really.
      So, I carefully pulled out the tissue paper, reached in and.....

     Voila! It's a boy!! Cooper is so excited can't you tell? Then it was Dalton's turn to get a picture, and it  actually captured a good reaction...he was happy, very happy!

     After it was official, we took a picture of the burp rag and sent it to our friends/family to let them know. They were excited, especially Popsey and PaPaw. I think they might be seeing multiple boys as good workers one day. It was such a blessing to share this moment first with Dalton and I, and then with all of our family/friends. It really adds to the excitement when you get their reactions.

     When we finally made it home I decided I had to have a shot of big brother, so I snapped one of him with the bib...I think he's happy too. He looks so big here! I think this new baby is going to make me sad  for my Cooper baby growing up.
     It's really funny because since we've found out it's a boy, Dalton and I have felt so relieved. Nothing against girls, I just feel ill-prepared to handle all that girls have to go through and deal with (drama drama, hormones, dating, etc.). And since we know what to do with a boy, it'll help with the adjustment of going from 1 to 2...I hope.

     And as I think about having two boys I'm excited and humbled at the part I get to play in the future of this world. We seem to be lacking courageous Christian men to lead our families, churches and country. I'm honored to get the opportunity to raise two boys and...God-willing...turn out God-fearing Christian men that can make a difference for the glory of God.My prayer now is that I rise to the occasion, with the Spirit's power, and do my duty as a mom.

     Now to the task of thinking of a name...it may be a difficult one.

"Children are a heritage of the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward." Psalm 127:3

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