Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fort Worth Stock Show

  Early Saturday morning we loaded up and headed to Ft Worth to go the the Rodeo. This has become a yearly tradition...carried over from Dalton, who's done this since he was little. This year we planned to attend the 10am rodeo performance, so we had to hit the road by 7:30 to get there early.

     On the way we stopped at McDonald's for a little breakfast. It's always a special treat we have when we head out of town early. We met Merann when we got into Ft Worth and then headed to the show grounds.

     Because we got there early enough we decided to take a cruise through some of the show barns and let Cooper see the animals before the rodeo. We made it through the lamb and cattle barns; Cooper really checked out all the animals with their funny looking blankets and contraptions.

     Then we headed to the kids' baby animal barn. They have various animals with their babies for kiddos to look at. Usually when we get to this section there are so many people we have to peek around and get a quick look at the animals. Being the early worm paid off though and we were able to let Cooper walk around and look at all the animals. He really liked it..especially the chicks and baby pigs. He even stuck his hand through the wire to let the baby goat nibble on his finger. It's amazing the difference between his interest last year (8 mo) and this year (20 mo)..they learn so much so fast.

 "Here chicky chicky chicky"

"Dad, can I take one home please!!"

     After seeing the baby animals we went to the arena and found our seats for the rodeo. Mere Mere and Popsey soon joined us and, lucky for us, no one else joined our row. So we had lots of room for Cooper to walk around when he got antsy...which he did after a couple of events. He liked the bareback riding the best (maybe because it was first), and he was pretty interested in the covered wagon races too. We always choose who we think will win each heat..I was 2 for 3. The one act Cooper didn't like was some entertainment involving a motorcycle. The stunt man was riding around pretending like he was falling off and Cooper did not like that. He probably would have said uh oh multiple times, but he was too upset to verbalize it.

     When he got bored he would toodle on down the row and find people to visit with above and below us. He'd start 'talking' to them and then point to us and say Mama and Dada. I finally had to go get him so the nice people could enjoy the rodeo.

Doesn't he look handsome

     When the rodeo was finished we took Cooper to the petting zoo...ok, I'll admit I was probably just as excited as he was. We bought feed and walked around petting and feeding rabbits, goats, ponies, calves and llamas. Actually only I fed the llamas. We lifted Cooper up to feed them and he flat out refused to give them any food. It was pretty funny. Almost as funny as the comotose looking goats who were laying down, bloated, and refusing food. They looked like I feel after a big holiday meal. We laughed so hard when we tried to feed one goat and he sniffed the food and seemed to moan. Then we started thinking how full they must get doing that all day with nonstop kiddos feeding them. Hopefully they have fresh animals in the back to trade out!

The goats really liked chomping the cone

     Finally it was time for a much needed corny dog -- I have to have one every year -- and lemonade. Then we strolled through the exhibit hall where all the vendors were. By this time it was pretty crowded. Cooper fell asleep, so he was able to get a nap in while we "shopped".  I put that in quotations because we didn't buy anything. Then we headed out, ran errands, and met back up with the other Pitcocks for some delicious mexican food.

     To top it off we stopped for ice cream on the way home. Yum. What a great time!

Friday, January 27, 2012

Cooper's Favorites

      Cooper is getting to the age where he has favorite things. I say that, but really he's had favorite things for a while now. We've discovered that he is a pretty particular little boy...particular about how he looks, where his plate and fork are on the table, which shoes and jacket he wears, which things go into bed with him, which TV shows he likes to watch, etc. Oh my, as I write this I am just flashing forward to the future and to what all of this particular-ness (sounds better than pickiness) might lead to! At least at this point it seems that he will be a well dressed and neat young man.

     I know what you're thinking...what does he have to be particular about? And what are his favorites? Well, let's end the suspense and fill you in!

     First of all, Cooper's favorite friend is his horsey. Yes, we are very creative around here with names, can't you tell? This may explain why the second baby doesn't have a name yet.. I promise we won't name him baby or boy, though Guy did cross my mind! Back to Cooper and horsey. He loves having him with him when he goes to sleep (though it's not a requirement), along with Pluto the dog, and his pillow. Every night we put him in bed, give him his friends and then say goodnight and he's off to dreamland.
Horsey and pillow

      While we are talking about animals, Cooper's favorite outside friend is Little Girl (again, what a creative name). Cooper now refers to all cats as "girl". We got her when she was just a wee kitten and they have grown together over the past many months. They have a love-hate relationship, with Cooper sometimes loving on her and sometimes not so much. He loves to pick her up and carry her to me, or pick her up and move her out of the way. She is so sweet to tolerate this, and usually they wind up playing chase and hide and seek in the yard. I think it makes her feel good to know that she could jump out and ambush him at any time...just in case he gets too far out of line one day.

Coop and Little Girl

"That looks good Little Girl, let me have a taste."

     Outside Cooper likes to explore and play, and one of his favorite things to do is feed the horses. We feed them cubes or horse treats, and so far we haven't lost any fingers. This horse is Little Blondie (ok I'm starting to get embarrassed about the name -- but Dalton named this one).

     Back in the house Cooper loves helping me around the house. Two chores are his favorite...laundry and unloading the dishwasher. When it comes to laundry, his expertise is cleaning out the dryer lint screen. This has resulted in myself developing an obsession with keeping that thing clean. Nothing worse than walking back there and seeing Cooper with a handful of lint! He also helps me move clothes from the washer to dryer..which comes in handy now that my belly has grown.

"Mom, there is lint on this. Not acceptable!" 

     When I say Cooper likes to unload the dishwasher, I'm not joking. I really do let him help me. So far we've only lost one plate, and it was chipped anyway, so I think we're doing pretty good. He gets the dishes out and hands them to me to put away. We also practice our counting, so it's a learning experience. Don't worry, I don't let him handle any knives, those are off limits.

     Onto the clothing portion of Cooper's favorites. Side note - sorry this is such a long post...told you he had a lot of favorites! He really likes to wear his cap when he goes anywhere. The one in this picture is a new one from Justin and Kallie, but he also has a Bass Pro Shop one that you've probably seen in other posts. Sometimes when we get out of the car somewhere and he doesn't have his cap, he puts his hand on his hat and says 'uh oh'!

     When it comes to shoes, Cooper prefers boots. He'll wear tennis shoes, but he likes his boots the best. I think he likes the clomping sound that he can make stomping around in them.

     And what is a boy without his accessories? Cooper has two that he really likes to wear...a belt and a tape measure. Mom and Dad got him the belt...it's pretty snazzy, and he loves to wear it so much that we hide it so that he doesn't find it and come bug us to put it on him around the house. The tape measure obsession started with playing with Papa John's tape measure. So, he got one for Christmas and loves wearing it on his pants. It's so cute!

Couldn't resist this pic b/c he looks like he's on the runway

     Now that it's winter we have to wear jackets (well this winter we occasionally wear jackets). He has some cute options, but lately he prefers one particular one...and it's not a jacket that goes with just anything. It's a hand-me-down from Pearson, Cooper's cousin. It's a furry brown jacket with black pictures of deer on it. It's very warm and super cute with jeans, but unfortunately Cooper also wants to wear it with his white tennis shoes and wind pants. I tried to talk him out of wearing it the other day when he was dressed in cute athletic attire, but he insisted and so wore the furry coat with this sporty wear. Luckily we were only heading to Walmart.

     I guess that wraps up the picture portion of Cooper's favorites. Now I have to add a couple of quirky behaviors he has because I'll want to remember them when he's grown.

      His current favorite word it seems is 'uh oh'. He goes around the house looking for things that are out of place and says uh oh until we fix them...like a cord that isn't plugged in, a piece of trash that missed the trash can, etc. When we change his diaper and he sees the dirty one, it's 'uh oh' until we put it into the trash. This saying also applies to any beeps he hears around the house...microwave, oven, phone. He likes us to attend to things in a timely manner. And when we are in the car (going a short distance) and I don't buckle him in all the way, it's 'uh oh' time. He's just looking out for us I guess, keeping us on our game and safe. And then last, but not least, when he does something wrong and we aren't in the room he comes to find us and says 'uh oh' so we can go fix whatever it is that he's messed up. At least he's honest about it!

     Another quirky thing is the way he eats. He likes to have his plate an fork right in front of him, and when we pray he wants his fork sitting on his plate, not beside it. We have to wait for him to arrange things sometimes.

     I'm sure there are other things that make Cooper the lovable, unique individual that he is, but my brain has run out of them, and I'm sure you are tired of reading at this point. I'm sure I'll have more to share at a later date. I have to note that I'm not particular enough about most things, to the frustration of my mom and others, so Cooper must have gotten some of this from Dalton. However, even Dalton is not that particular.

     One thing that he did get from his dad and mom is his love for the camera. It's a little embarrassing, but whenever I need a picture of him all I have to do is get out the camera and he starts posing. Or, when I get him dressed and say, let me see how you look, he turns, smiles and does his best model pose!! And then there are the times when I want to take a picture of him in action...if he sees the camera it's all over because he starts posing and moving my direction. Very interesting.....

     Bottom line...he is an awesome little boy who brings joy and laughter to our lives every single day! Thank you Lord for blessing us with him. We can't wait to see what the next little guy is like....I'm guessing total opposite because we are used to this one!!

" Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them!" Psalm 127:3-5

Monday, January 23, 2012

Picnic at Carter Bend

     Friday was another beautiful day, so Cooper and I hitched a ride with Dalton to Carter Bend for a picnic after feeding the cows. Carter Bend is a place that Dalton goes to feed that's about 45 min away from the house (20 min on a dirt road).

     While Dalton was feeding that morning, Cooper and I made sandwiches and cookies, and packed up the treats. We were even waiting on the porch when he pulled up. Then we helped move a couple of horses from one pasture to another. I got to ride on the back of the Kubota leading the horses while Dalton and Cooper drove. It was simple fun. Then we hopped in the truck and took off. Cooper fell asleep on the way so he woke up refreshed once we got to Carter Bend.

I promise we tried to prop his head up but it kept falling!

     Halfway there I realized that I forgot my picnic blanket, so it wasn't the movie-like setting I hoped for, but none the less it was nice. We fed all the cows and then headed down to a shady area by the oat field. Cooper was ready to stretch his legs and so he ran around a bit and then we all sat down under a tree in the cool green grass and ate our lunch.

     After lunch we set the pig trap and headed home, just in time for Cooper's afternoon nap. What a nice way to spend the day! Especially since it was in the 70s outside.

     In other news, the varmint hunt that Dalton participated in was this weekend. He and his 2 teammates killed 3 foxes, 1 coyote and a racoon. They won the big coon contest, but most of all had a great time. It was fun for me too because they hunted around here a lot so I got to feed them lunch and see them again that evening. Cooper really wished he could have gone.

      In Cooper developments, he's discovered pockets on his pants and how to put his hands in them and walk around. So cute!! I snapped a picture of him after seeing him looking out the door longingly at the guys. That may explain the sad face.

I want to go hunting too!!

"The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands." Psalm 19:1

Thursday, January 19, 2012

I Love Being a Mom

   Today is one of those days when I just love being a mom, especially one that is blessed with the privilege to stay at home with my baby. I say today, but really it's been during that last month or two that this overwhelming feeling of gratefulness and joy about my position in life has come over me.

     For the first year of Cooper's life I had to work full time as a teacher. Before he came along I loved my job, and even after he was born I enjoyed it when I let myself stop thinking about leaving him with someone else all day. As I prepared to quit this past May to stay home full time I was so excited but felt a twinge of sadness because I had enjoyed what I did and (on some days) felt that I was making a difference in the lives of some of those kiddos. Then summer came and I was busy staying busy. I wanted to prove to Dalton that I deserved to be home and didn't want him to think I was 'taking advantage' of the situation; this led to me constantly looking for projects and things to do here, while keeping an eye on Cooper.

     Only this fall did I begin to really realize that my purpose for being home isn't to stay busy, but to be a good Mom and wife. This doesn't mean I have projects to do all of the time, rather it means that I am working to raise obedient, God-fearing and loving children, and doing all that I can to support and love my husband. As I've come to this realization I've started to enjoy my 'job' more and more! I spend less time worrying about doing 'stuff' and more time playing in the floor with Cooper, or taking walks in the pasture with him just to kill some time on a pretty day.

     I started to take my mom's advice too, advice that she gave me back in the summer when I was fretting about not having enough to do and accomplish. She said, "Gabby, is the house clean, Cooper taken care of, supper ready, and you in a good mood when Dalton gets home? If the answer is yes then you are doing your job." This advice is so good...especially when I think about Dalton working all day and coming home to relax and prepare for the next day. If I'm all huffy about something or needy for him to help with my responsibilities, or the house is a mess then it isn't a relaxing environment. But if I work to make it pleasant and comfortable for him then I am doing my job.

     This brings me back to my opening line. I so LOVE being a mom!! I love getting Cooper out of his crib when he wakes up, and helping him remove all of his pillows, friends and blankets (which he insists we do before he gets out). I love the routine that Cooper and I are in and the "magic of ordinary days." I love getting the opportunity to go to the park in the middle of a weekday and watch him play; and it's a special bonus when there are other moms I know to visit with and other kids for Cooper to play with. I love being there when he discovers new things and learns new words and 'tricks' (for lack of a better word). I even love the crazy times in stores or restaurants when we're just trying to make it out all in one piece. I love that we get to sit on the front porch after his nap and wait on Daddy to come home, and when Cooper sees his truck he gets so excited and says "Dada!!" over and over. I love making dinner with Cooper imitating me on the kitchen floor with his spoon and bowl. And now I love that I get to experience all of this again with our 2nd little boy, and I'll get to enjoy all the lovable moments that I missed with Cooper while I was working.

     If there's not a saying already there should be a saying about not knowing what you are missing until you get to experience it, with regard to motherhood! It was easy to make myself feel ok about working as a mother, but after being home I know that I was missing out on so much, and Cooper was missing out too. This is the best job any woman could ask for and my prayer is that more get the opportunity to be a 'full time' mom. I think about working now and it just seems so alien to me to have another full time job besides being Cooper's mom.

     Bottom line, I'm so thankful and grateful that God has allowed me to be entrusted with children and I pray that I will make Him proud. I'm also thankful for children because it shows me just how much God truly loves us and how crazy His love for us is, and I want to love Him more and more for it.

"And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength." Mark 12:30  

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change." James 1:17

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Our Week

    Cooper feeding Blondie a treat 

    I am currently sitting on my patio, soaking up the sun on this beautiful 60 degree day! It's been a great week, partly because of these spurts of warmer weather in between the cold spells. Nothing makes winter bearable like sunny days when you can run around outside and get some much needed fresh air. I start to feel (and look) like a troll when I get stuck inside too long. This may be why you don't see many pictures of me during this winter season; my hair tends to be a frizzy mess pulled back into a ponytail, and makeup is something I wish I would have used when someone pops in to visit during the day. Not to mention the fact that I'm growing daily with this little boy inside me! 

     I'm afraid the days are soon coming when the pregnancy is going to get ugly...swelling, wideness and a general overall marshmallow appearance. This week I've wanted to start walking or exercising in some form again, but that isn't going so well. I did my video on Tuesday (I'm a mambo mama), but other than that I've had to depend on chores for my exercise. And now as I sit here in this beautiful weather I think to myself "I should be walking right now." Hopefully my next post will be about how faithful I've been to exercise in the week to come...don't hold your breath. 

     The week started with a couple of days of much needed rain. It was cold and rainy, but kinda fun to be stuck inside watching it rain after the previous 70-something degree days. Cooper and I read books, played with his trucks and farm animals, chased each other around the house, and just enjoyed being home. He's gotten really into videos lately, the ones with puppets and clips of real animals..he does not like cartoons. So each day he gets to watch one 30 min video (okay some days it's one in the morning and one in the evening). He gets so excited and if I forget about it he reminds me by pointing at the TV and then running to sit in his chair. He's pretty cute watching the videos too, leaned back and trying to participate every once in a while. 

     Santa brought him a cool tent and tunnel for Christmas, and I set the tent up in the living/dining room this Tuesday. He loves it! Sometimes I'll be busy doing something and then look around for him and he'll be in his tent playing or cuddling with his horsey and Pluto (two stuffed animals). It also makes a great reading tent. We take a few books in and read together. I have to admit I like being in there too...well my upper body likes it; my lower body won't fit. I wonder if this is a sign that he'll be into camping one day? Dalton has been talking about taking Cooper camping since before he could walk, so I'm sure he'll get the opportunity at some point!

 Chilling in his tent (photo courtesy of Dalton)

Come read with me!

     I have a Connect Four game that Cooper likes to play...really he plays 'let's dump all the checkers out and make a mess' but it's still fun. We're learning how to clean up, so it's good. He also likes to put the checkers between his toes..super funny to watch. So the other day I helped him put one between every toe. He enjoyed it. 

     Tuesday a friend called and invited us to go play at a local place with lots of bounce houses and blow up slides. With all the dreary weather we thought it'd be just the thing to get us out of the house. We joined a few other moms and kiddos and had a blast! The kids were running around just so excited that they didn't even know what to do. They'd play in one for a little while, then hop out and run around with a crazed look on their faces and go to another bouncer. Cooper really liked the slide and I was proud of him for being brave and almost climbing to the top by himself. I had to give him a shove for the last few rungs (exercise right?). Then he'd slide down grinning. 

     Friday we rode around with Daddy feeding cows. Cooper and I rode on the back of the truck in some pastures while he putted along dumping cubes. I had forgotten how fun it was to ride on the back of a truck, but now that I remember we'll be doing that more often. Oh yeah, Cooper liked it too. More of that fresh air after the cold days earlier in the week. 

     I guess that is about it. Today we hauled another load of pigs in...made almost $700! Then we ate BBQ, living high on the hog you know, and headed home. Where does that saying come from? I don't know, but we get to use it for a little while anyway. 

     Now the boys are out riding and I'm sitting here writing. Ahh, what a great life. 

 Back from their ride, now Coop wants to go by himself

Hanging out planning the next move

     Guess I better go get my workout clothes on so I can go for a walk. 

"Be joyful always; pray continuously; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17

Monday, January 9, 2012

Suey!! It's pig time.

  Yep that's right, this entry is about pigs. I must not be making it to civilization enough these days because I've found myself getting sucked into the pig trapping movement out here. There is an abundance of wild hogs out here, hanging out in the fields and the woods, stopping traffic as they cross the road in herds, and just being a menace. Dalton's tried shooting some of them but they multiply so fast that it doesn't seem to be helping much.
     Because of all the pigs, the week before Christmas (note the timing) Dalton decided to start trapping and selling the hogs for some extra dough. I was not so thrilled about the idea. It takes extra time out of the day for him to bait and check traps, and getting them all set up would take even more time. I kinda rolled my eyes and went along with it, but found myself very frustrated that whole first week. He would get off work and then head out to the traps, which put him home later than normal. This wouldn't have been such a big deal except that the week before Christmas there is a lot of wrapping, baking, preparing, etc. to get done, and with a 1 1/2 y/o extra help is appreciated. So I whined and puffed but we made it through.
     Wednesday night we were going to deliver gifts to Graham before we left town for my parents the next day. Much to my dissatisfaction, it also wound up being the 'take the pigs to town' trip as well. In case you didn't know, pigs stink...I mean bad! So spreading Christmas cheer around the town with a trailer full of pig stink behind us wasn't putting me in the best of moods. But we had no choice. We loaded up the 9 pigs and took the big rig that screams 'we're the country relatives' into town. We took the pigs to sell first and while Dalton unloaded them at the right spot, Cooper and I waited in the car with the windows up (did I mention they stink). Dalton came back to the truck with a smirk on his face and a check in his hand. I waited until he got in and then took a gander at the amount. I was expecting something around $100, hardly worth all of this headache, but imagine my surprise when I saw that we'd made (yes it's we now and not he ; ) $380 for 9 pigs!
     I tried to contain my excitement as we headed back in and delivered the gifts. That was pretty good for a week's worth of work. The next day we began our Christmas celebrations, but when we got back from all of that I nonchalantly asked if he was pig trapping some more. He said of course and then the pig palooza began.
     For some reason the extra time it took for him to trap didn't seem so bad anymore, and Cooper and I started going out with Dalton to set the traps and check them sometimes. I have to admit that it's pretty fun when you pull up to a trap and find a pig or two waiting on you. As the interest has grown I've started to ask Dalton daily about how many pigs he's caught and how big they are. This is our dinner table conversation for now. Did I mention I haven't been going to town as much lately?

  A few from Carter Bend

 Cooper watching Daddy load the pigs

     I knew I was hooked when we were checking traps and Cooper started grabbing things in the truck, including the card with the number to the 'pig guy' that we sell the pigs to. I moved Cooper's hand away and said "No, no Cooper, that's Very Important." I didn't even catch my emphasis on Very Important but Dalton did and promptly pointed out my reaction with a chuckle. I laughed too, trying to play it off, but then moments later we pulled up to a trap with 3 pigs in it. I think I squealed in delight, maybe even let out a "Woo doggie!" Then I really laughed at myself and just shook my head...I am enjoying this too much. Ahh the joys of being a stay at home mom and the things that become the highlights of my days.
 He uses the trailer as a trap at Cater Bend...so talented

"Watch that pig!"

     The second week we took 14 pigs in, but they were smaller so we got about the same amount of money. Then last week we too in 7 more. Overall Dalton has caught 85 pigs! We sell the eligible ones (over 80 lbs) and Dalton disposes of the little ones.
     It's really quite a fun family activity. Cooper now makes the pig sound and enjoys watching his Daddy load the pigs from the trap to the trailer. They can be pretty aggressive so we stay well out of the way, in case of an escape.
 They jump and attack the cage trying to get out

Dalt shows no fear

     Funny thing Cooper has picked up on...Dalton usually uses a stick or hot shot to poke and prod and load the pigs into the trailer. I didn't realize Cooper had been paying attention to this, but then one day at home he picked up on of his plastic golf clubs and started thrusting it in front of him and saying "Ugh Ugh" It's so cute and right on the money!! We didn't realize pig trapping could teach him so much.
     We are beginning week 4 with 3 pigs caught this morning...one is a big one, so this may be a good week for us. [ This is where I give a big spit, wearing my camo sweater and matching pants, standing by the pig trailer.   Just kidding...no spitting or camo wear for me...I have to keep some semblance of femininity during these endeavors.]
     Seriously though it is so nice to be able to do stuff as a family together, even if it is pig trapping. We are so blessed that Dalton works right here beside where we live. It enables us to hang out so much more and be involved in each other's lives. I know it's weird compared to what most families do; say goodbye to daddy in the morning and see him in the evening with limited contact while he works. But then I think this is probably more what it was like in the 'olden days' (Garrett and I used to always refer to the past as the olden days) when families ran the farm or ranch or whatever together. Cooper and I are really enjoying it and we hope that Daddy is too!

    I'll keep you updated on the pig totals for the season. I'm told it only lasts through the winter; too much trouble to keep them when it's hot out.

"The pig is also unclean; although it has a split hoof, it does not chew the cud." Deut 14:8

(Sorry I couldn't resist a pig verse for the pig post)

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Is it Winter or Spring?

     As 2011 came to a close, it felt much more like the start of spring than the beginning of the coldest part of the year. The weather has been so beautiful this fall and winter (so far) and we've been taking full advantage of the beautiful days. It just seems wrong to stay inside on pretty days...maybe it's a 'country' thing, I don't know.. but it resulted in no TV and lots of Vitamin D.
    Friday evening (Dec. 30) Dalton saddled up Dandy and took Cooper for a ride. They were gone for a long time and Dalton said that Cooper really enjoyed the ride. This gave me time to cook dinner in peace. I left the screen door open to enjoy the cool evening air....ah it reminded me of summer. : )

The boys are off for their ride

     Saturday, New Year's Eve, was so nice! We started off the day checking pig traps (more on that in a later post), a fun family activity. Then we hung out outside and piddled. Dalton worked on the tiller and Cooper played with the tools. Again the screen door and windows were opened in order to enjoy the warm air. I came in mid morning and cooked us some brunch...cinnamon rolls, eggs, bacon, yummm. The Echols  guys came over and while Monte helped Dalton with the tiller, Jett and Cooper chased the cat around the yard. It's so fun to see Cooper interact with other kids, especially older ones. He just ran around laughing and tripping and getting up and laughing.

Cooper the tool man Pitcock

"This will be perfect for the job I have in mind." 

"Where do these go again Dad?"

       After brunch we piddled some more and then it was Cooper's nap time. Just as he was waking up Dalton got the tiller working and tilled the garden spot. Nothing says spring like a freshly tilled garden spot... I think we were actually starting to believe that spring was coming at this point. In reality we're just keeping the ground ready and hopefully will plant some potatoes in a couple of months to get the garden started.
 Had to include this pic because of the fingers tucked into pockets

"Working the land"

 Love the cute little wrangler bottom

"Dad! Don't hug me in public!" ; )

     That night we celebrated New Year's Eve by going to a dinner and a movie, while Mere Mere and Popsey graciously watched Cooper for us. We saw Sherlock Holmes 2...very entertaining and still managed to be in bed by 10:45. I know I know...pathetic for New Year's Eve, but staying up late has never been my strong suit. Dalton, on the other hand, said this was the first time he hadn't stayed up until midnight. In any case, the three of us really enjoyed the last weekend of 2011, and were so blessed to be able to spend it together as a family!

"I will be glad and rejoice in you; I will sing praise to your name, O Most High!" Psalm 9:2

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Merry Christmas!!

   I know that the new year has already begun, but it takes a while to finish and recover from Christmas. : ) We had a WONDERFUL Christmas!! I'm not going into much detail because I don't have enough time or room to detail it all out, but we enjoyed every celebration.
    We headed to Mom and Dad's the Thursday before Christmas and had a family get together with the Scherers on Friday. It was nice to visit with everyone at Mom and Dad's house. Very festive and fun time..we played Chinese Christmas which is always a hit.

 Cooper helping Papa John start a fire

The boys wrapping 

   While the girls cook....

 Paw Paw with his youngest great-grandkids

Jam session after the Friday festivities

Cooper playing with cousins Pearson and Paige

    Saturday was Christmas Eve and the 6 of us just hung out at the house all day...it rained all day so we didn't do much outside. It was relaxing and plumping (when you're stuck inside with food that tends to happen). That night we exchanged gifts with each other. It was a Christmas of doubles for Dalton and I. We each gave each other Eggies (who does that?)! Then Garrett and I both gave Dalton a gun cleaning kit (Garrett's was better though), and Dalton and Garrett both got me cast iron skillets...I better get to cooking! There were many other good gifts and we really had a great time hanging out with each other.

 Cooper got a coonskin cap from Garrett : ) 

 Happy Fam...excuse the no makeup, 'casual' look

 Watching Garrett get out his gift

Our double gift...Eggies (we are such dorks!!)

     Sunday morning Santa came and visited Cooper. He got a tent with a tunnel, and a tricycle! Woo hoo. He really did great this Christmas with the gift opening. Every time he opened a gift he was so excited and acted like it was the best gift ever. Then he opened another one and had the same enthusiastic reaction. This made for happy gift givers. : )

 Santa came!


 Stocking stuffer goodies!
     Sunday afternoon Dad's family came over and we visited, ate and gifted again. That night we loaded up and headed back. I cried when we left because it's hard to leave such a warm and inviting house and family..especially in the dark. I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful family! Love you guys!

Do we have to go home now?

    Monday we got together with our other blessing of a family, the Pitcocks. We gifted again (no doubles this time), had pictures of the cousins in matching outfits, ate and then headed home. We were so busy visiting that I have only one good picture!! We had a great time and a nice visit though.

Cooper and Karper

    Enjoy the pictures of all the festivities. It was a blessed Christmas and this year I was really able to grasp how amazing and wonderful it was that Jesus came down as a baby to save the world. We have an amazing Savior and we must not let the Spirit of Christmas end in January but meditate on His awesomeness the whole year through.

"Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights." James 1:17