Saturday, January 14, 2012

Our Week

    Cooper feeding Blondie a treat 

    I am currently sitting on my patio, soaking up the sun on this beautiful 60 degree day! It's been a great week, partly because of these spurts of warmer weather in between the cold spells. Nothing makes winter bearable like sunny days when you can run around outside and get some much needed fresh air. I start to feel (and look) like a troll when I get stuck inside too long. This may be why you don't see many pictures of me during this winter season; my hair tends to be a frizzy mess pulled back into a ponytail, and makeup is something I wish I would have used when someone pops in to visit during the day. Not to mention the fact that I'm growing daily with this little boy inside me! 

     I'm afraid the days are soon coming when the pregnancy is going to get ugly...swelling, wideness and a general overall marshmallow appearance. This week I've wanted to start walking or exercising in some form again, but that isn't going so well. I did my video on Tuesday (I'm a mambo mama), but other than that I've had to depend on chores for my exercise. And now as I sit here in this beautiful weather I think to myself "I should be walking right now." Hopefully my next post will be about how faithful I've been to exercise in the week to come...don't hold your breath. 

     The week started with a couple of days of much needed rain. It was cold and rainy, but kinda fun to be stuck inside watching it rain after the previous 70-something degree days. Cooper and I read books, played with his trucks and farm animals, chased each other around the house, and just enjoyed being home. He's gotten really into videos lately, the ones with puppets and clips of real animals..he does not like cartoons. So each day he gets to watch one 30 min video (okay some days it's one in the morning and one in the evening). He gets so excited and if I forget about it he reminds me by pointing at the TV and then running to sit in his chair. He's pretty cute watching the videos too, leaned back and trying to participate every once in a while. 

     Santa brought him a cool tent and tunnel for Christmas, and I set the tent up in the living/dining room this Tuesday. He loves it! Sometimes I'll be busy doing something and then look around for him and he'll be in his tent playing or cuddling with his horsey and Pluto (two stuffed animals). It also makes a great reading tent. We take a few books in and read together. I have to admit I like being in there too...well my upper body likes it; my lower body won't fit. I wonder if this is a sign that he'll be into camping one day? Dalton has been talking about taking Cooper camping since before he could walk, so I'm sure he'll get the opportunity at some point!

 Chilling in his tent (photo courtesy of Dalton)

Come read with me!

     I have a Connect Four game that Cooper likes to play...really he plays 'let's dump all the checkers out and make a mess' but it's still fun. We're learning how to clean up, so it's good. He also likes to put the checkers between his toes..super funny to watch. So the other day I helped him put one between every toe. He enjoyed it. 

     Tuesday a friend called and invited us to go play at a local place with lots of bounce houses and blow up slides. With all the dreary weather we thought it'd be just the thing to get us out of the house. We joined a few other moms and kiddos and had a blast! The kids were running around just so excited that they didn't even know what to do. They'd play in one for a little while, then hop out and run around with a crazed look on their faces and go to another bouncer. Cooper really liked the slide and I was proud of him for being brave and almost climbing to the top by himself. I had to give him a shove for the last few rungs (exercise right?). Then he'd slide down grinning. 

     Friday we rode around with Daddy feeding cows. Cooper and I rode on the back of the truck in some pastures while he putted along dumping cubes. I had forgotten how fun it was to ride on the back of a truck, but now that I remember we'll be doing that more often. Oh yeah, Cooper liked it too. More of that fresh air after the cold days earlier in the week. 

     I guess that is about it. Today we hauled another load of pigs in...made almost $700! Then we ate BBQ, living high on the hog you know, and headed home. Where does that saying come from? I don't know, but we get to use it for a little while anyway. 

     Now the boys are out riding and I'm sitting here writing. Ahh, what a great life. 

 Back from their ride, now Coop wants to go by himself

Hanging out planning the next move

     Guess I better go get my workout clothes on so I can go for a walk. 

"Be joyful always; pray continuously; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:16-17

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